just lost husband to stage 4 cancer

hello, everyone, I am from New York and came across this website that looks so helpful, on August 18th the love of my life passed away from stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to his liver, bones, and brain. This is the most painful thing I have ever gone through in my life, I feel so half empty without him. The crazy thing about it is we found out about cancer on August 1st by the 18th he passed away. Everything was such a shock and still is, it's killing me inside not having him here with me especially at night. I look at our four children and the thought that he won't be around for their growing up is unbearable. You know the symptoms did not start to show until July when he started complaining of his back, right shoulder, and arm, he went into the hospital on July 31st and on Aug 1st we found out about cancer, I thought he had months to a year, not two weeks can anyone else who has gone through this with a loved one please tell me how they deal and cope with this because I feel like I am going into depression I cry every day, I miss and love him so much we were together 16 years, I will never have another man like him  

  • thank you for your prayers, have not been on here in a while, so please forgive me for taking so long to reply back, been dealing with some issues at home, its been eight months today that my husband passed away, although it seems like yesterday it happened, I still have all of his stuff the same as he left it, it helps to bring me comfort when thinking about him, nights are still hard to deal with, because that's when I think of him the most, my 12 year old cries from time to time for him, he took his passing really hard, I am definitely taking it one day at a time, hope all is well with you and your husband, prayers to you, him, and your children, no one knows what it like to deal with a loved one with cancer in less they been through it there self, I pray they find a cure for this evil disease, stay strong for him your kids and yourself, your strong already to deal with what you are dealing with, stay blessed and again thank you for your kind words

  • I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I really don’t know what to say because I lost my husband 2 and a half years ago on the evening of my daughters 30th birthday which was 5 days before Christmas. I still cry everyday, I’m thinking I will never recover, we were together since 1987 married in 1991 I thought when the kids grew up he would be there for me, he was. 51 I also think I will never meet another that loved me like he did I’m 59 by the way.
  • I’m so sorry for your loss Shakia and I know exactly what you’re going through !

    My Husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma 13 weeks ago after having no prior symptoms.

    it had spread throughout his whole body and has just finished 4th round of chemo . The Doctors have just told me that the chemo hasn’t worked and that they are stopping treatment ! They now are just trying to make him as comfortable as possible with morphine !

    The problem is my Husband hasn’t been told they’re stopping his treatment so I’m having to live with that guilt whilst sitting with him every day !

    i am so scared as we don’t have any children and I’m worried how I am going to cope on my own without him!

    I’m only 33 years of age and he’s only 40, been together 10 years and married for 4.

    Our lives hadn’t even started yet . X 

  • Hello Shakia6. I am in the UK...You have been through exactly what I have.... my husband was fit and healthy until last May when he complained of pain in his lower back and under his right shoulder. He had physio for a while and the pain went away temporarily but returned. He went for tests and was found to have cancer in his lung, liver and bones. We were given a prognosis of months rather than years and he had radiotherapy on his back. He then moved to the local hospice for pain management prior to coming home, but deteriorated so quickly- the cancer started spreading to his brain- that he died three weeks later on 25th July. Like you I am devastated. He was the love of my life, best friend and creative partner. We had been married for 46 years and had recently moved to be on the coast and enjoy our retirement. I feel so lost and alone... like you, I don’t want to be on my own but can’t ever imagine finding someone else. I am taking antidepressants and having counselling. I see by the dates of your post that it is a while back so you may now have started to come to terms with it all. If you have let me know how you are coping... We didn’t have children, and I even had to rehome our pet cat because I was so unwell after he died and could not cope. I am told it gets easier with time, but time seems to have stood still since he died and I still relive those terrible last days.

  • I also lost my dear Husband to stage 4 Skin cancer I miss him so much it is coming up to the second year of him passing I still cry when I think of him we was married for 32 years I would give any think to see him once more the pain never goes away but you have to carry on with life there will never be an nother man for me  

  • Shakia,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, especially as it came as such a shock. I'm 19 and my dad passed away from cancer just before my 16th birthday. Nothing will ever feel like the loss of a dad, but my mum works to keep my dad an active part of our lives. Your children won't grow up without a dad, he is looking over them and you can keep him alive in your words and memories. I truly believe your husband is looking over your children and you.

    Speaking as someone who lost their father, things get better. My bond with my mum is inseperable. The pain you feel now won't last forever, there will be good days and bad days but your children and friends will always be there for you as a support. It's okay not to be okay.

    Your husband is always with you, I'm sure you can see him when you look at your children. 

    Grief is the final act of love. Embrace your feelings and we are here to talk if you need someone to talk to. Sending big hugs and thoughts at this difficult time.

    Jodie x


  • I came across your post from Sept 17 by googling how to cope with loss of husband to cancer and found your post. I am hoping that with your 4 wonderful children, his legacy, that you found the strength to move forward and continue the journey.  A chapter that I am sure you did not want to take but when we are faced with no choice, we somehow find a way.  I recently lost my husband to stage 4 lung cancer, which had spread to his bones. He'd had aches and pains in his shoulder blade and leg which he had put down to work related being a brick layer and then the last 15 as a Taxi Driver.  He was 51, we had 27 years together and two fabulous grown up sons.  I stayed with him in the wonderful care of our St Columbas Hospice for our last 5 days together, I can only say I, probably like you,have been through every emotion imaginable. Two months on, how did I cope: I will not lie, I feel cheated and that life is unfair but have not option but to try and move foreward.  I have thrown myself into volunteer work, to give something back.  I have joined a Gym and welcomed a Cat into our famly.  Keeping busy has helped me and my gorgeous *** cat for comfort in the evenings when I would always overthink! My eldest son has just bought his own house and is in the process of moving out, at 25 I am happy for him and this is his next chapter.  We have gone from 4 to 2 (plus cat) in two months.  My stratedgy keep busy, as I am sure you will have had no option with 4 lovely children.  See friends and welcome opportunities - I had neglected mine as was quite happily married and never found the time to squeeze everything in.  Thankfully they were genuine friends that were always here for me.  I joined a gym, from this I gained focus, concentraining in the gym and finding even after a few sessions I was starting to feel physcially stronger.  Trying out new classes and not expecting to much of myself.   This is not how I wanted to spend my next chapter but feel I have no choice but to try and find what  works.  I do hope you have found what helps you and would love to hear from you ? Very Best Wishes Susan x

  • My husband died on the 9th August with stage 4 liver cancer. He fought hard for 3 years. In the end his liver failed. It is the most painful gut wrenching experience. He was the love of my life, my soulmate my best friend. We were married for 15 years and together for 18. I don’t know what to do with myself. My heart hurts every minute of the day. I am sleeping with his ashes! I once was frightened of death but not now as I know my darling will be waiting for me. 

  • Hi I am in same situation just learned husband has lung cancer which has spread to bones and liver! He has already had Hodgkin Lymphoma 27 years ago but the damaged caused by that treatment has caused a problem with the heart! He has been unwell since Christmas but we kept being told it was only his heart , and that he would just need a value replacement after the pacemaker was fittted!  So far since March he’s been in 2 induced comas 5th stay in hospital and  and total of 9 weeks altogether.. Two weeks ago we were told that is was cancer and had spread.. lungs now are just filling up with fluid al the time..now told nothing can be done as his heart will not take treatment—- devastated 


  • Hi I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. I was reading your message and it really related to my family. I lost my husband on June 6th this year . He was absolutely fine then he hurt his shoulder while walking our dog it didn’t get any better so went for an X-ray and they found a tumour on his lung also it was in his bones & liver 6 weeks later it had spread to his brain. I also have two children age 26 &25. I’m absolutely devastated I miss everything about him I’m also trying to keep busy I’ve taken up swimming and went back to work this week. I feel so angry but it’s when that realisation that it’s real it’s actually happened hits me like a massive punch it just floors me . Take care and let’s try and make some sense of this xx