
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Hi tangoPotter...that sensation of needing to empty the bowel, that feeling of low down pressure seems to be part of many colorectal issues.. keeping well hydrated is vital as well.. I  try to encourage my friend to take the laxative daily but she waits until the discomfort is unbearable.. your G.P or hospital should prescribe a suitable laxative for you.. take care

  • I keep wipes and tub of zinc and castor oil nearby  frequent visits to the loo can make you so sore

  • Hi just hope every one is doing ok  feeling a bit down today got wind stuck under my rib today passed lots of bloody mucus this morning  you get fed up of all this just want to be and feel normal again  lots of love to all of you xx

  • Hi tangoPotter,  hardly surprising you're feeling down, a natural reaction after your diagnosis... re the trapped wind.. if you can sip warm water it really helps disperse it.. horrible feeling   gentle massage can help move wind..same as winding a baby... walking about can help too..

    Have you been assigned a Nurse yet..

    Any family or friends nearby   I always think it really helps if you have care and support .. for those who don't,  a group of people who are experiencing the same or similar issues is a great place in my opinion. 

    Take care and be kind to yourself x 

  •   Hi   tangPotter, yes l am the  same passing lots of  bloody mucus, now waitinhg for   results of cy colonoscopy l had  done on tuesday, feeling so down todat, the waiting is awful, sending love

    ,  ,

  • positive 46 hopefully you won't have too long to wait for results.. had my colonoscopy 17th Dec.. results are taking 18-20 weeks here in South Lanarkshire Scotland...NHS website quoting 2-3 weeks..Colorectal Consultant told me they haven't been able to offer that for a long time.. so will remain patient and positive..

  • Positive46  hi I’m waiting for more tests I’m scared also  been looking at scans. Why do they always have to put dye inside you I hate things like that the scan I will be having does that I think we go through enough  hate been messed with  

  • The contrast ( dye) is essential to determine correct diagnosis,  used in many investigations.. I'm sure the staff will offer care and understanding to you during the process 

  • Hi James 4000 just wondering how are you getting on now. I’m fed up of keep going to the loo with wind and mucus  I Darby go out I need to be near a toilet  it seems the more I try and eat a little more  I need to be at the loo passing wind and mucus  keep getting a bit of stomach cramps it’s all worrying  hope things are.not too bad  x

  • Hi Tango

    Thank you for checking in.

    I'm up and down. I've kind of got used to having bouts of going to the toilet more often. I definitely produced a lot more blood and mucus after the colonscopy- i guess due to the biopsies? I try to tell myself this my body expelling the bad stuff and its a good thing. 

    Psychologically I've maybe accepted things a little, but I veer into anxiety when I think about what's next: scan results, treatment plan etc.

    It's very reassuring hearing from others in this forum (in this thread and one or two others) that there seems to be so much they can do these days to treat, cure and hopefully facilitate a full recovery. I'm clinging to that.

    I had my MRI scan at the weekend (pretty intense mentally, but I got through it). I'm hopeful the MDT will be discussing my case in their meeting this Friday, and that the detail they've found is good news, relatively. I'm in limbo for now, and so worried about treatment- trying not to think about it.

    I find "taking each day as it comes" very difficult in general, and more so now.