
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • I had a colonoscopy some years ago and was utterly terrified before it.

    GP couldn't see or feel anything with me either but it did turn out to be piles. Nurse said that wasn't unusual, for them not to be noticed.

    Hope you get good news 

  • Hi

    I had a colonosphy at the beginning of December , I'd recommend to be sedated, it's not as bad as you think it will be

    Also with the bowel prep stay very very close to a toilet, I actually lost 3 Ib overnight

  • I’m so hoping it’s piles internal one that the doctor missed 

  • I’ve just asked for gas and air I’m really dreading it. Every thing you read about the bowel prep I’m dreading that as well just hope I can tolerate it all 

  • I felt fine after, they say not to drive after sedation, didn't feel drowsy after either, my outcome not good though, I even done a bowel screening test 3 months before that came back as all ok

    Been fast tracked through, I start Chemo next month

    So glad that it has been found by colonosphy other wise the outcome would not have been good 

  • The bowel prep isn't pleasant. I'd recommend having some Sudocream because my backside really hurt after...well, going to the toilet and wiping a lot.

    Like Readytobeat, I felt fine afterwards. I did have sedation, but wasn't drowsy, though I did forget weird little bits here and there. VERY strange, like I remember going in to the recovery room and seeing one of the other women who'd been in the waiting room but I don't remember HOW I got into the recovery room, if I walked or was wheeled in or what. I walked home from the hospital afterwards. We were having trouble getting a taxi and I just finally said to my mum, who was with me, let's just walk. Because I felt fine.

    Readytobeat, sorry you had bad news. Hope the treatment goes well.

  • Thank you, going to be a long year ahead but I'm ready to kick it xx

  • Thank you. I’m starting the prep tomorrow I’m dreading every thing about it my nerves are in pieces  my blood pressure was highly when I went for the face to face yesterday he had to take it three times it went down but still on high side  really can’t get my anxiety under control

  •  You sound just like me, mine was last week, afraid my news was not good waiting for more tests now and I am terrified, I wish you luck

  • Mine has been fast tracked, I've got stage 4 and spread to my liver, I've had it for 6-12 months, it's treatable they said, did have another mri on liver and full body scan 3 days ago, they not to worried about liver as they can zap it

    9 months of treatment, hopefully no more bad news with other scans, I feel "normal" though, so so strange

    Done the bowel screening test a few months ago too, no further investigation they said 

    Onwards and upwards  hope it's good news for you all️

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