
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Thanku so much James4000...

    My concern is that the original appt was for June which had to be cancelled as I was still in the bathroom 30 minutes before the appointment time.. it was only flagged up in November during an asthma check up...when G.P said he felt my symptoms were not related to my asthma but to bowel cancer.. so a further positive qFIT and colonoscopy 17th Dec..I  was then told the referral should have been USOC for 2ww but hadn't been...18-20 weeks is the result time given for colonoscopy results in South Lanarkshire...I had major reconstruction of my bladder 40 years ago using part of my bowel.. the procedure was stopped shortly after due to the high rate of bowel cancer post op...

    Thanku again for your kind words ️ 

  • James4000 what I have noticed with me is the more I try and eat the more I feel pressure and pass mor blood  if I don’t eat I seem a bit better in that department  so that makes me not want to eat  sorry to ask but does eating a bit more affect you in that way 

  • tangoPotter...

    Sorry to jump in on your reply to James... close friend diagnosed autumn last year.. taking laxatives to ensure  having regular B.M ..vital in preventing compacted bowel.. she has very little appetite and severe weight loss.. I try to encourage her to take the laxatives and not wait until she feels constipated..awful cycle to be in for you

  • I have constant runs that’s why I couldn’t understand why I need laxatives  my appetite isn’t great but I do try to eat a bit more  but I need the loo more when I eat. Still passing blood when I pass wind  you get so fed up of been in this situation it’s like been stuck between a rock and a hard place  I just feel so lost I have lost a bit of weight as well I put that down to my feeling stressed and anxiety. Thank you for your reply. Hope your friend does ok  x

  • Do they know you have constant runs? Do you take anything to help your electrolyte levels? Maybe not something to solidify but I'd be worried you aren't absorbing nutrients.

  • Thanku tangoPotter...the way I understood it was although she is passing frequent loose motions the laxatives are to prevent any build up of stool behind the tumour .. obviously every case is different... Lyns21 has made a vital point re nutrients and your electrolyte levels..

    My friend is 84, not having any further investigation or treatment..Colorectal Consultant is seeing her 3 monthly...

  • The reason you are probably losing weight is because of the diarrhea  I was like that for a couple of month and I thought I was losing weight because there was something seriously wrong but no as soon as the diarrhea stopped I started putting on weight ,incidently the diarrhea stopped after I had the Colonoscopy and has been fine ever since .

  • Jenny3109 hi  well it’s weird really some times I am trying to pass stool which is a bit difficult it’s a bit harder to come out but usually it runs  I need to keep stool soft but today having problems it coming out sorry for all the info only little at a time I get a bit scared incase this tumour blocks me up x

  • Eastendgirl hi yes I think that’s what it may be for I’m scared of the tumour blocking me off I feel at moment I need a proper poo but I’m struggling to go only doing little at a time had runs yesterday so maybe I need to get a laxative  thank you

  • It's vital to keep well hydrated especially for patients with bowel issues..

    Stools become hard when insufficient water is present.. 2-3 litres of water   every day is recommended by specialists... whether colorectal or urology..