My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • GMorning Brian

    yup we are the same - no snow at all!! In fact a fine morning - so its no good for your grandson to come here for snow men!! Lets hope he gets the all clear!! Two years ago our grandson had to go to the hospital - he is okay now - but he bowel problems brought on by gluten. Wierd or what??

    Well, have a great day and enjoy every minute!

    I am off to work = we have a new boss starting soon that sounds like Captain Mainwaring = yuk!!



    I love your posts BTW

  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the reply and thought about my grandson. Talking about gluten, My son is very allergic to any gluten based products but Luckily both Asda and Sainsburys now keep a good range of gluten free products. Even if someone gives him a knife that has been in contact with gluten based products, he has big trouble with his bowels so can understand your grandsons problems all to well. Hope your day is not too tireing and that you and your wife have a good weekend, best wishes and kind thought bieng sent your way, Brian.


  • Hi Steven

    The back fence has been a disgrace for some time but other things understandably were coming first.  Now I need to get things in order.  Day to day stuff does not go away!! 

    Upcoming appointments (and the waiting for them) always bring stress along with them and I do hope all will be well. 

    New set of forms to fill in, this time for Mum's care needs.  Should be easier this time (went through it all just over a year ago so at least I know what I am facing).

    Hope you and Anne have a peaceful weekend. Jules x


  • well, still having issues with internet (have already  replied to your post but it disappeared so am having another go!). Am delighted to report that new washing machine working a treat and very very quiet! Awaiting arrival of 2nd Broadband engineer (before 6 apparently though they were several hours late the last time (so far no extra payments demanded though it could be me asking for  a refund in the future!!!). The call centre for the supplier is doing my head in as I still do not have an answer to the real problem (no access to account details because password not known (hubby was not one to share!!!) and there answer is to send another engineer to check the line(which has already been reported as fine!!!).  To add insult to injury they have asked me to fill out an on line survey as regards their service - have put it on the back-burner for fear or 'letting rip inappropriately' ha ha.

    Hope your new furniture arrives as planned and am sure the Hospice will be delighted with your donations.  Seems like an early Spring cleaning bug has begun.  My retail therapy has extended now to a new doormat (no jokes here please;) and a new bin which will fit underneath the sink area(thus freeing up floor space in my very minute kitchen).

    Fox has just wandered into the garden and polished off bird food so now have some disgruntled feathered friends flying to and fro wondering where their bread has gone.

    Spent several hours photo copying this morning in readiness for next Legal appointment and then another hour 'shredding' hubby's old work material (sensitive but the company did not want it returned so am following instructions!!).  Doing a little something every day is the only way I am finding.

    Fingers crossed will be out this evening and then tomorrow will see builder back and providing materials delivered could have new back wall by the days end.  Actually beginning to think I am going back to work for a rest (though now have forms through to continue dealing with Mum's care home fees) but also see GP on Tuesday to she can see how I am doing (hoping this will be the last of these as the stress caused by another GP (out of hours attached to the surgery) not ticking a vital box has meant delays.  Still we are moving ahead again now.

    Hope you and MRs G have a peaceful weekend in your newly furnished lounge. Take care  Jules x


  • Hi Brian

    Well BT Engineer has been and so far so good!! Needed new wall socket as wiring in old one was causing intereference on the line which was causing 'gaps' in signal.  No financial outlay required so another job sorted out. New washing machine in use (not as technophobic as I thought) so fingers crossed. Its so quiet I had to check it was on!!!

    No snow here at all, just drizzle this morning but a lovely bright afternoon.  Plenty of forms now to fill in for Mum but once again at least things are in motion and I am chipping away at them.(plus I have had practice two years ago - hopefully a better outcome this time).

    Am shortly going out for my usual Friday night social and as my friend had a mini win last week things are looking up.

    Hope you and MrsB have a lovely relaxing weekend and you are not currently wearing lots of owl stickers.  Take care  Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    Yes the grief rollercoaster is certainly a rough ride and I am keeping you in my thoughts.  Glad to read that legalities are getting finalised, although still fail to see how such mistakes could be made.  I hope you get some luck with your internet.  Many years ago I had a connection problem that the provider just failed to sort out despite my many calls and engineers booked; so in the end I changed supplier - perhaps that may be an option for you if all else fails.  Good luck and take care of yourself.  Hope x

  • Evening Hope

    Just returned from my Friday night social outing (still poor but relaxed).  Engineer has sorted connection problems by replacing  wall socket and getting rid of interference on the line.  It took him all of half hour and thankfully was 'free'. Had a productive day indoors (poor electronic shredder was working overtime and the printer was also kept busy copying documents ready for Probate representative next week (will be going again soon to do the same for all the documents social services finance guys need in regards Mum'shome care costs.  Never a dull moment!

    Have daughter and grandchildren round in the morning as well as a friend popping in for coffee (builder now coming Sunday to put up new wall) and then its back to work on Monday which will help me get back into 'normal' routine.

    Am currently being a bit naughty with a large hot chocolate steaming beside me (well coffee might keep me awake.)

    Hope everything is okay with you and sending peaceful thoughts for the weekend.  Enjoy. Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    I am glad to read that an engineer has managed to sort out your internet connection problems.  The issues you have had with the company who are supposed to be looking after one of their customers is unfortunately all too common these days.  For them to then ask you to fill out a customer satisfaction survey is just classic!  I would love to read what you put.

    My furniture delivery went - shall I say - not according to plan.  It was arranged for Friday morning so by 10am I was sat in a living room with electrical equipment strewn accross the carpet and boxes full of files and photo albums and all the stuff you accumulate over the years.  It seems that because two of the four pieces of furniture weren't in stock they decided not to deliver any of it.  And to add to that they also decided not to tell me.  After speaking to them I got them to deliver the tv unit and coffee table that they did have which arrived four hours later with a broken shelf.  The other pieces will arrive, apparently on Tuesday.  I contacted Claire who also has a great deal of experience in dealing with stupidity and she replied with a statement that read, "if only stupidity was painful!" 

    Rant over and now it's time to get ready for a shopping trip.

    Take care.

    Garf. xx

  • Hi Garf

    Sorry to hear you too have had problems surrounding your furniture delivery and do hope both the broken piece and the rest of your order is in good order when Tuesday comes - why does everything have to take two attempts!!.

    Well the weather put paid to my new wall getting started yesterday so have provisional date for next weekend (he is fitting it in, inbetween his day job (son in law's friend so am happy to wait) and the weather needs to be 'reasonable'.

    Beautiful here this morning and though am watching Murray(amazing match so far) whilst waiting for a phone call, will be off out as soon as I can for a good walk to blow the cobwebs away.

    Enjoy the rest of the day and hope return to work will not be too 'annoying'.  Take care. Jules x

  • Good morning Jules,

    Hope you have not got too cold on your Sunday morning walk. Although it's bright and sunny here in Sussex, the wind is very cold. So pleased you have got your internet problem sorted. Funily enough, some years ago I had  exactly the same problem, even the same supplier who had been insisting for weeks there wasnt a problem. Am now with another Provider.

    Just wanted to wish you well for your return to work tommorow, another step on your journey. I had all this written out once and dont know what happened, if I pressed the wrong button or what but I lost it all much to my disgust. I am glad thing are progressing with regard to your mothers situation and best luck with the form filling, something I hate doing. I find some things they write on the forms are unclear and could have several different meanings so I will be thinking of you.

    Take care and I hope you have a relaxing and peaceful day after your walk. Best wishes being sent your way, Brian.