I’m really struggling with the fact my dad died

I don't really know where to turn because no one I know has really gone through this yet. 
I lost my dad 2 months ago and it's absolutely destroying me. My dad played both mum and dad and I've lost 2 parents in one and im broken. We spoke and saw each other every single day without fail and im so lonely without him. My heart has broken and I have no one to turn to. Im not depressed but im extremely sad, lonely and my heart has truly shattered. I try and talk to friends and family but they don't understand and I keep getting "I'm always here" and "at least you got to say goodbye". It's like my world has stopped and everyone else's is still going and I feel like whenever I'm around people I instantly drag their mood down. I just genuinely don't know how to cope that he is no longer here

I would like to just thank everyone for their kind words and support, it is very appreciated. I haven't had much time recently to reply but I want you all to know I'm here for you ️  you'll never be alone in the world when people as nice as you lot are here x

  • Hello , 

           You did the best you could , I suffer with so much guilt, I retired from the NHS to care for my mum but there was also my dad who needed so much care , I did this for quite a while anyway my mum died and than I cared for my dad which went on for 1 year , I just said to dad can we have some help and he said no , we had a argument I was tired and frustrated, and than what I thought was a lovely day on the Wednesday he died in his chair , I did apologise in the morning but I can’t get this out of my head this happened in 2012 ,. 

     Sorry for going on Shellyann 

  • Hello [@lulaloop]‍ your message really struck me

    My dad was also my absolute hero. In fact those were the exact words I stammered out at his funeral a few weeks ago. We were so so close, and I'm heartbroken he's gone. I only learnt of his cancer after he suddenly passed away, his death was an absolute sudden shock to us all. 

    Please do feel free to DM! We can support one another! 


  • Hello

    So sorry to hear of your loss, I too lost my dad 2 months ago. And am in so much pain everyday! He was my whole world, we were so close so trust me in our own ways I know just how you feel. I have no friends who have been through this. The death was sudden, totally unexpected and so heartbreaking. I am here if you want to talk to someone who knows the pain of grief and is at the same stage as you. No words are the right ones here, none will make anything better, but to know you're not alone is something. Sending love! 

    Feel free to Dm, it would help me also to have someone to speak to who's navigating the same loss! 

    Hannah x

  • Hi,

    I dont know what to say except I understand.  My beautiful dad died in June and I hve no interest in the world without him



  • Hello moonlighting

    Reading your struggle has brought tears to my eyes, its been 6 months today since I watched my dad take his last breath ,he'd been struggling with MDS since November 2020....and became gravely ill in February 2021 with chest septicaemia which affected both lungs and his heart.

    What annoyed me was that due to covid only my mother could visit him, I used every excuse to see him as he didn't want mum to know he was dieing!!!! Plus I needed to sort out finances and will  as well as cope with the knowledge that dad would die.

    He was in and out of hospital on 4 occasions coming out for maximum of 6 days  having blood transfusions and chemotherapy plus covid jabs!!! 

    Life is now trying to come to terms with my rock has gone as he did everything for me growing up, my mum has a lot of mental issues so her understanding of looking after both my brother and myself was basic.

    It's hard to work and live with my dad gone, sometimes I talk to him snd ask for guidance.....like you I'm broken. 

    Your story has given me comfort that I'm not alone. 

    Take care and healing soon.

  • Hi 

    I lost my dad on Jan 7th and I'm heartbroken  

    I wake every morning and have to catch my breath  I just can't believe he is gone  


  • Hi, I just wanted to know how you are getting on? My dad passed 28.2.22 the funeral was only 14.3.22 and following that myself, my husband and all 3 kids 5 and under have covid. It's been a difficult week and I've been struggling to even find time to have chance to think of dad. I'm scared what my life will be like when I realise I'll never see or hear him again. I miss him so much but haven't yet felt I've had time to feel or think about anything properly. I do hope you're making your way through processing everything that's happened to you and your dad. I'm here.x

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. 
    We are both going through this and it's so so hard. 
    Im the same, I just long for him so much. I still can't believe it. I'm the same, I have 3 children and you have to carry on but inside you are breaking and hurting so much. 
    I am trying to go out for a walk everyday, I spend most of it crying but I feel it helps my thoughts. 
    if ever you want to talk I'm here 

  • me too my dad got brain cancer

    i lost about a week ago

  • I am so so sorry to hear about your dad. Losing anyone is so hard and upsetting. You will feel a lot of things now and I want to tell you it's ok to cry, it's ok to feel sad, it's ok to feel anything. There is no right or wrong way of feeling after losing someone. Take it one day, one step at a time. I know it doesn't seem like it now but things will get better for you with time. 

    I lost my mum and fell to pieces after she passed. I never thought I would be happy or smile and laugh again. I won't lie, it was really tough without her and there was a lot of hard days but there's so much support out there, like family, friends and this community - so glad you found here btw - and your going to find a lot of people care and want to help you through this awful time.

    Hang in there, we're all here for you xx

    Keep talking and again, I am so sorry for your loss.

    Sending you hugs,

    Love Jess xx