Three weeks of heavy vaginal bleeding, very worried

I am 46 years old. Last year I went for a bladder scan and they found that the lining of the womb was abnormally thick ( but I had not had a period for 70 days). I had a biopsy which was normal but nothing else was done. My periods returned with no problems until May of this year when I had another two month gap. I came on again on the 29th July which was light for a few days but turned into 2-3 inch clots and very heavy. The clots seem to have gone but the bleeding is still heavy three weeks later. It was so bad last weekend that I went to A and E but typically it slowed down while I was there so no scan was done. I have been referred for a scan on the 3rd September but I am so worried I have booked a private one next week. The bleeding is heavy and bright red and I have pain in my right leg. I have previously suffered from ovarian cysts but it never affected my cycle. I only have one ovary now as one was removed due to a cyst. My doctor has fond blood work which was normal and included thyroid and menopause tests which came back normal and not menopausal. He prescribed Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding but I haven’t taken it yet as I want the bleeding to stop on it’s own.

sorry about all the information. I sm meant to be starting my first teaching job in three weeks and a PhD. I am very worried that my symptoms point to something sinister. I hope it is ok to post on here. I would appreciate any advice or if anyone has had similar and it had been ok. 

  • Hi don't be worrying too much about it until you get your scan (I know it's easier said than done) it could be due to fibroids or cysts they will let you know when you get the scan if they see anything abnormal, I'm only 22 and I went through something very similar I was bleeding for 6 months straight really heavily and nothing stopped my bleeding I was on different versions of the pill, tranexamic acid worked for a few weeks then stopped I even had bad bleeding with the IUD. I ended up severely anemic due to the blood loss and nearly needed a blood transfusion. When I got my scan they told me my endometrial lining was very thickened which was unusual because it should be with the amount I was bleeding. I got referred to a gynaecologist and about a month later found out I had cancer. 

  • Aw gosh I'm sorry to hear this what we're the steps for you after finding that out if you don't mind me asking 

  • Hi i found out in August that I had cancer and they have been trialing the mirena IUD as a treatment for endometrial cancer and said this would be the best option for me to try and preserve my fertility after a few months my biopsy showed that my cancer  had actually spread a bit and gotten worse so I was put down for an emergency Hysterectomy. I had a hysterectomy 5 weeks ago now they were able to preserve my ovaries and found out last week that I am cancer free and need no more treatment as of now. They will be doing scans every 6 months to make sure there is no recurrence.

  • I'm in a similar situation. I'm bleeding heavy for 2 weeks passing big clots. Been taking transemix or however you spell it for 4 days and it is not slowing down. Last month my period lasted 2 weeks and was given the medication and it stopped. Am waiting an ultrasound. 

    My last years smear showed hpv virus. I'm 44. Should I be worried

  • I had a Hysteroscopy as I had unexplained bleeding.I am 62 and have recently started HRT again. They found a polyp which was removed. I carried on bleeding for two weeks and had blood clots I was examined and treated for an infection with antibiotics and tranexamic to stop bleeding. After stopping the Tranexamic tablets I am now bleeding heavily with cramp pains. I have another scan booked for a month's time. I feel tired with no energy. Has anyone else had this problem.

  • Offline in reply to AmandaX


    I have come across previous threads by purely googling and wondered if anyone has been through similar issues to me. I had my smear test in 2022 which came back HPV positive but no abnormal cells. I decided to get my implant removed which had been in for 5 years in the October 22, where my periods came back but really light, they were quite heavy before.

    Went to the doctors who referred me for bloods and an internal ultrasound as I was worried in the March 2023. They said bloods were normal and my endometrium was 4mm (due to when I was in my cycle) had another smear as well which came back with the same result so have had to wait another year. 

    For the last 6 months since October 2023 my periods have been on time but lasting longer, to the point now for the last few months have been heavy, bleeding after sex and passing big clots (sorry for TMIF). I went to a gynaecologist who looked at my results from last year who prescribed me tranexamic Acid. Wasn’t happy as I expected to be properly checked. Went back to the doctor who did my blood count and iron levels. Blood count came back fine but iron was slightly raised. 

    The doctor has said not to worry but I’m beside myself with anxiety and I just wondered if anyone else had been in similar position?