Three weeks of heavy vaginal bleeding, very worried

I am 46 years old. Last year I went for a bladder scan and they found that the lining of the womb was abnormally thick ( but I had not had a period for 70 days). I had a biopsy which was normal but nothing else was done. My periods returned with no problems until May of this year when I had another two month gap. I came on again on the 29th July which was light for a few days but turned into 2-3 inch clots and very heavy. The clots seem to have gone but the bleeding is still heavy three weeks later. It was so bad last weekend that I went to A and E but typically it slowed down while I was there so no scan was done. I have been referred for a scan on the 3rd September but I am so worried I have booked a private one next week. The bleeding is heavy and bright red and I have pain in my right leg. I have previously suffered from ovarian cysts but it never affected my cycle. I only have one ovary now as one was removed due to a cyst. My doctor has fond blood work which was normal and included thyroid and menopause tests which came back normal and not menopausal. He prescribed Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding but I haven’t taken it yet as I want the bleeding to stop on it’s own.

sorry about all the information. I sm meant to be starting my first teaching job in three weeks and a PhD. I am very worried that my symptoms point to something sinister. I hope it is ok to post on here. I would appreciate any advice or if anyone has had similar and it had been ok. 

  • Hi

    I read this thread as I too have been bleeding for 3 weeks and am worried. I’ve had my bloods done (awaiting results) and TVUS is booked. I was also reluctant to take tranexsmic acid. I wondered how you got on following your last post?

  • Hi,


    i have a follow up post up post which is four months of bleeding now rectal bleeding. Don’t worry about taking Tranexamic Acid. I found out after this post that you can take it for far longer than stipulated on the leaflet under a gynaecologist. My vaginal bleeding carried on until two weeks ago when I went for a hysteroscopy. My GP had prescribed Norethisteronevto stop the bleeding the previous week but I waited to see the consultant at the appointment  as I was worried that the bleeding would be worse when I stopped it. I am now on norethisterone for a total of 20 days and it has stopped that bleeding. The Tranexamic Acid did help the heaviness of the bleeding to some extent. I am now awaiting the results of the hysteroscopy and biopsies.

    The consultant said at the hysteroscopy that she found nothing overt re the bleeding. Unfortunately I have rectal bleeding too now and a perenium hematoma, it all very confusing and upsetting.I am awaiting a colonoscopy. Let me know how you get on with the US.

  • Hi there, my situation is exactly the same as yours.  I am 40 years old when the symtoms started in 2018 April.  I went to private doctor who prescribed me hormone tablets to stop the bleeding, but I did not take it as other people said that hormone tablets are not good.  She also gave me a scan and found that I have an 4cm ovarian cysts but she said that the fluid is clear, so that is not a problem and it is not related to my heavy bleeding.  I went to A&E as I suffered severe blood loss and I had iron water transfusion.  I was in Hong Kong on holiday when I went to A&E, the doctor did extract cell from my womb (cannot remember the proper name for this procedure), however, now I am back to UK, I did not have a chance to see the report.  I actually think that my problem started dated back to three years ago, I had abnormal heavy period and uncomfortable pain on my left side.  I went to see my GP and had a scan, she just told me that the lining of the womb was thick.  But she cannot see any other problems.  Because my period returned to normal amount (but shorter cycle, from 28days to 25days), I did not followed up until last year, my period got out of hand.  The doctor in Hong Kong prescribed me Tranexamic acid too, but I have the same point of view as yours, I would like the bleeding to stop on its own, hence, I can find out the underlying problem.

    Before I went to A&E (July) in Hong Kong, I went to GP (June) first.  She just gave me some swabs to do it at home and asked me to have blood tests.  She said that the procedure has changed.  She cannot refer me to have a scan until the tests for diseases.  I said that I thought she is the one to take the samples with the swabs, she said that it has changed too, it is now the patient to do it at home.  I never used a tampon before, in the end, I did not do it cos I found it scary to use the swabs.  And I suffered from severe blood loss, I did not go for a blood test neither.

    I don't know, I just feel helpless.  May I know the situation of yours now?  Maybe everything is alright, I am just going through early menopause? (which GP and doctor in HK said that I am not, but they did not tell me what the problem is) 

  • Hello May41,


    My hysteroscopy showed no neoplasia or hyperplasia thank goodness but I still have daily spotting. The report did find that I had quite a severe infection which I was treated for with antibiotics.

    The Mirena coil has been inserted and has got rid of the heavy periods but four months later, I have spotting most days. I am no longer as worried about anything sinister but I take PROVERA Tablets twice a day to regulate my cycle until I see the gynaecologist again in two months time. She will review my case and if the bleeding hadn’t settled I need to have an endometrial ablation. I also have an ovarian cyst and to be honest if it continues I will like to push for a hysterectomy. This has gone on too long and I have to wear a pad every day just in case.

    i do take my tablets though as it was explained to me that they should regulate my cycle if I persevere. I am doing what the gynaecologist has told me until my  appointment. There is a chance it may settle.

    As regards your situation, I would see if you can find out the results of what sounds like a pipelle biopsy. I would also follow the advice of your gynaecologist, my bleeding is better than it was. I was severely anemic. I am much better when I compare myself with that. 


    Very best wishes and I hope everything gets sorted for you soon.


  • Hello there, 

    I was prescribed tranexamic acid for heavy bleeding and clots after a colposcopy when had punch biopsies taken. I was prescribed it for 7 days so you can take it for longer than 4 days. I gather that is guidance for heavy period bleeding, not the sort of bleeding we are experiencing. 

    Hope that helps you, I was seen at a & e after calling and speaking to a gynae doctor so always call a doctor if you are sure. Not point getting fatigued if they can do something to stop the bleeding.


    Best wishes 

  • Thank you rainboe, that is really good to know re the tranexamic acid if I get the bad bleeds again. The Provera and Mirena combined have really helped me. I now have daily spotting but it’s better than constant flooding. 

    Best wishes,


  • Hi!

    I’ve found this thread incredibly helpful. I’ve now been bleeding heavily, non-stop for the past three weeks and feel incredibly tired because I’m probably anaemic by now. I’m having bloods and an US done in the next few days but can’t help but feel anxious about the whole situation as my mum died of ovarian cancer two years ago. I’m 51 and possibly perimenopausal so it might be just that but GP asked for CA125 just in case. If something of concern does show up, I hope I can ask for an hysterectomy and oophorectomy as I don’t won’t to go through what my mum went through. Everything is taking so long, though...

    Best wishes to all and thanks for sharing your experiences



  • Hi CJ,

    I am glad you have found it helpful. I had the CA125 test too as I have had repeated ovarian cysts and only have one ovary now.  I am very sorry about your Mother.

    Ovarian is a concern of mine too. I currently have another cyst. I don’t think the cyst has anything to do with my bleeding though as all the tests and biopsy have come back normal. I wil keep asking for it to be monitored.

    My bleeding went on for months but the medication has really helps. Let me know how your test goes. I am hopeful that your bleeding is hormonal like mine.

    Very best wishes,


  • Hi I have been bleeding for 3 weeks - it started slow for 4 days then flooding with large, dark clots.  Luckily I use a moon cup otherwise I would not be able to cope with the deluge.  I went to A and E last week and was given tranexamic acid which I took for 4 days but although for a few hours each day the flow slowed, i still had massive floods.  Then I was prescribed mini pill for 10 days. It had almost stopped the flow but I am worried about what will happen when I come iff it.  Can anyone tell me if their experience? 

  • Hi I have also been bleeding for over 5 weeks. It started quite light but seems to be getting heavier as the weeks go on. I did have radiotherapy a few weeks ago for a basil skin cancer on my forehead but apparantly bleeding isn't a side effect, unless it caused stress to my body. My Doctor gave me Medroxyprogesterone tablets to try and stop the bleeding but it has not worked. I had an ultrasound on Sunday which showed up slight thickening of the womb and a possible cyst on one ovary. I have been referred to a gynaecologist so just waiting for the appointment to come through. I'm 50 and my periods before this were quite normal 3-5 weeks. My blood tests shown I was anaemic but every other blood tests were fine. Just hoping for answers soon :/

    Best wishes to all
