Three weeks of heavy vaginal bleeding, very worried

I am 46 years old. Last year I went for a bladder scan and they found that the lining of the womb was abnormally thick ( but I had not had a period for 70 days). I had a biopsy which was normal but nothing else was done. My periods returned with no problems until May of this year when I had another two month gap. I came on again on the 29th July which was light for a few days but turned into 2-3 inch clots and very heavy. The clots seem to have gone but the bleeding is still heavy three weeks later. It was so bad last weekend that I went to A and E but typically it slowed down while I was there so no scan was done. I have been referred for a scan on the 3rd September but I am so worried I have booked a private one next week. The bleeding is heavy and bright red and I have pain in my right leg. I have previously suffered from ovarian cysts but it never affected my cycle. I only have one ovary now as one was removed due to a cyst. My doctor has fond blood work which was normal and included thyroid and menopause tests which came back normal and not menopausal. He prescribed Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding but I haven’t taken it yet as I want the bleeding to stop on it’s own.

sorry about all the information. I sm meant to be starting my first teaching job in three weeks and a PhD. I am very worried that my symptoms point to something sinister. I hope it is ok to post on here. I would appreciate any advice or if anyone has had similar and it had been ok. 

  • It's so good to read these threads.  I am 60 and went through menopause 20 years ago so it was a shock to suddenly start bleeding with huge clots,  I contacted the doctor who in fairness saw me the same day.  She referred me to consultant under the 2 week rule which was worrying.

    i then had hysteroscopy and biopsy also I was prescribed norethesterone.  The biopsy came back as no malignant cells found which was good. 

    however as soon as I stopped taking the tablets the bleeding came back just as bad as before!  I rung consultant and they sent me another prescription for norethesterone again  does not help that covid-19 is so rife it's stopped a lot of hospital visits.

    i took the tablets for another month, stopped them last Tuesday and today Saturday I am back at square one so will ring consultant first thing on Monday...

    has anyone else had problems post menopausal?


  • Hi. Sorry to hear your having these issues 2.

    I'm 31 and have been bleeding continuously non stop as well as constant period type pains since the beginning of December last year so 6 months now.

    Eventually was referred to see consultant and had appointment 11 days ago, she done an internal scan and said womb lining was slightly thick but that could be normal, she also done a biopsy which I wasnt prepared for the pain to be so bad.

    They also took blood for lots of diffrent things. I keep thinking the worst, she mentioned Cancer several times but then kept saying because of my age it would be unusual. I dont know what to think, just hoping results are back soon. X 

  • Hi Rebecca3127, I read your post and was wondering if you had results back and if things were better now? 6 months is such a long time to deal with that must have been exhausting. I’ve been experiencing heavy bleeding and getting heavier, 15 days so far and it’s horrid, can’t bear thought of it going on for months. I’m 39 and had regular cycle for years. Bit worried same as everyone here.
  • I have the similar/almost the same (apart from rectal bleeding) symptoms as yours.  It all started two and a half years ago.  I did not feel pain or uncomfortable until last few months.  I have pain in my right leg.  Precisely, when I lift and stretch my right thigh, I can feel uncomfortable.  Have you done the cervical screening test?

  • Hi hope yous are all OK and getting answers... I'm 28 and for the last few months I've been having non stop periods, my periods were always spot on fine then I had my 3rd child and I breast fed so didn't have a period until he was about 11 months after a few months I decided to go on the copper coil which was fine didn't have any problems period wise but after about just short of a year my period would come a week early then next month be 20 days late which I assumed was the coil but periods were fine in length. The last few months I'd come on my period when I'm due on then it just doesn't stop I got given a pill to stop the bleeding that worked then when I come off I had a normal 6 day period like bleed then the following month same again but it wasn't heavy it was brown blood for ages like the beginning and end of period with the odd light red days this time I'm not ovally heavy but it's a proper bleed just not stopping been bleeding for over 3 weeks and no sign of stopping been given the acid pill doing nothing I was assuming it could be the coil but a few difdernt docs have said its unlikely. I have had a scan which said was normal apart from a couple. Of cyst on ovary so was sent for bloods come back fine just wondering what it could be google is the worst as it always scares you seems like cancer always comes up. Has anyone actually found out the reason why the bleeding doesn't stop? Thanks skye xx

  • Hi, I know you posted in April 2020, I too had tests for vaginal bleeding, January 2020 had hysteroscopy and womb biopsy (all clear), during this the specialist nurse found large polyp,  so polypectomy was arranged for 2 weeks later under GA, covid19 happened so my surgery was cancelled, April 2020 polyp removal and d+c performed, all good no problems polyp sent away for testing( benign)...phew!! 4 weeks of no bleeding it was bliss, mid to end of May, spotting started, thought it was my period, but it just kept going and getting heavier and heavier,  to the point I was going through pads like every half hour, changing clothes, I'd go the toilet and the blood was just pouring out of me, it was horrendous,  I ended up in A+E a few days ago, it was not stopping, and I was feeling breathless and weak, bloods done at hospital I was anemic,  was prescribed iron tablets and Tranexamic acid, utter rubbish, now I feel housebound and walking slow like old women,  to try and not let a fast gush of blood falling out of me, I'm only 44yrs,  pre-menopausal,  got to wait for 2weeks, for fast track appointment again, to have scan, and probably another hysteroscopy,  I literally only had polypectomy and d+c weeks ago, so what has happened in them weeks ....totally p***ed off.

  • Gosh ladies all very worrying. I've had my period since 4 Jun, I am 52. They have been erratic and I know it's peri menopause.  Took myself to A&E 6 Aug as I couldn't stand it any longer. Felt at different times it was going to stop but no, just eased off and then got worse.  (Saw consultant in Jan, waiting on hysteroscop). A&E sent me home with TXA and another referral, which is a phone call in a few weeks. Until today TXA has kept bleeding at bay but getting stomach pains.  Reduced 2 tablets three times a day to 1, but bleeding got worse so went back to 2 three times a day.  Today overnight things as bad as ever.  At what point is it unacceptable for women to be left to bleed out. Even after phone call with consultant, I still need the hysteroscopy and a resolution. Due to go back to work in a few weeks. Lucky during lockdown I was working from home and able to cope/manage, but dreading work now like this.

  • Hi Ladies, I hope all are finding their way through and getting things resolved, I found this board by googling because I have had irregular periods since Feb which came with a massive reaction to a chemical in a new Ikea sofa that I had purchased. Not had a problem ever before. Since then my immune system seemed to had gone into overload where I was allergic to literally the ground I walked on, everything, and it gradually settled down but my periods have been all over the place ever since and it's worsening. I've had to change my life completely because of it.

    I'm currently heading into week   3 of bleeding which has never happened to me before. Showing no signs of stopping and getting heavier. In the first week I had symptoms of toxic shock, but when paramedics came out they said that it wasn't that and my symptoms were 'all in my head '.. they got an out of hours doctor to call me a few hours later to check in, who also was strong on my symptoms being all in my head despite my having tangible symptoms. I had a really hard time dealing with that in itself let alone what has been happening to me.


    In the last few months due to absence of period entirely, two in a month, and irregular times I managed to get hormone testing after begging for it, and a smear. Smear cams back fine though my testosterone was slightly low and fsh slightly high, doctor said they would put me through for a scan on ovaries but I am guessing due to covid it might be a while to wait, I am terrified because the professionals I seek seem not to be concerned. Periods like this are not usual for me at all, neither is the toxic shock like reaction and rash experienced with it this time around. 

    I have not got anyone else to talk about this to so the thread here has been really helpful, it is so scary and I seem to keep being told that I'm going over the top. I'd say I'm reacting in the usual way for such sudden changes and in the light that pros seem not to be concerned at all, plus there's no answers towards what could be the problem. Why is women's health so dismissed?


    take care everyone x

  • Hello my name is laura and I've also been having heavy bleeding I've been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries which could make my periods irregular I've not been on my period two and a half months I've had tests and tablets to help me regular but doesn't work 

  • Calico, I feel your pain!

    In my early 40s I had long heavy periods, all the tests and scans were clear and I went on the Depo injections.  Bliss!  No periods at all. I had to come off the Depo when I reached 50 and it all started again.  More tests, again all clear.  This time I was given the mini pill and again the bleeding stopped completely.  
    When I got to 55 the doctor told me I had to come off the mini pill.  No bleeding, I thought I'd gone through the menapause.  Just over a year later (Nov 2019) out of the blue, I started bleeding.  I had a scan which was clear but GP referred me to a gynaecologist. By the time I got an appointment in Feb 2020 the bleeding had stopped.  Gynaecologist said she thought I was just unlucky and having a late menopause, so made another appt to see me after 3 months to see if things were ok.

    Then lockdown happened... the bleeding started again, quite heavy at times, and the gynae appt was postponed til Sept.  Meanwhile I felt awful, spoke to my GP who sent me for blood tests which showed me to be anemic. 
    I had my appt with the gynaecologist (by phone) last week and she wants to do a biopsy after I have another scan.  My scan is booked for next Sunday.  I've been bleeding almost non-stop for about 5 months now. I'm 58 and just want it to stop.  The only positive is that I don't have any pains or cramps.

    (For anyone experiencing flooding or heavy bleeding, I can recommend getting period pants.  I still wear a pad with them but at least they stop leaking on to clothes.)

    Hope you've got it sorted Calico x