8cm Complex Ovarian Cyst with CA125 of 51 - Absolutely terrified!!

I posted on here a few days ago after I found out unexpectedly that I had a large complex ovarian cyst. The consultant thinks it could a dermoid cyst but can't determine this for sure and is sending me for an MRI scan. In the meantime, my CA125 has come back raised at 51!!! I'm postmenopausal which just adds even more risk into the mix and I just feel like the odds are stacking up against me. I've had no symptoms and only got checked out because of a tiny amount of postmenopausal bleeding. I'm all over the place.

  • I'm going in for key hole outpatient surgery but with a possibility that it could turn in to open / inpatient surgery if the cyst is in an awkward place. Because I had a radical hysterectomy in 2013 it might not be straightforward as I kept my ovaries but everything else will have moved around and the ovaries tend to get 'stuck' over the years after the hysterectomy.

    So, I'm hoping the planned minor op will go ahead but preparing myself it might end up being a longer operation with an open incision.

    Lots of unknowns and variables and I won't know until I wake up!

    Something like 9/10 complex cysts are benign so I'm trying to stay positive and give myself a 'worry hour' every day to panic in. Then I get on with stuff

    It is the hardest period dealing with the uncertainties. A rollercoaster of emotions and appointments and reactions to deal with. We will all feel so much better once we have a plan and know for certain that I can assure you of x

  • With the exception of the 1st time frame, all the others are ridiculous!!! I cannot believe possible cancer could take 3 months. I really hope that's not true. I'm aware that you're in Scotland, so things might be slightly different to England, but even so... I've got it in my head that I'll hear something this week. I want to know, but I feel sick just thinking about it. How are you feeling?

  • I'm wishing you all the very best. Glad you know a bit more about what's happening, but yes, the unknown bits are horrendous. X

  • A worry hour is such a great idea. Honestly I am going to steal this and implement it into my life. I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it, instead of just worrying all day, just set myself 1 hour to google and worry and panic and then it will all need to wait until the next day. 
    Hopefully if you work they are going to be ok with you being off for an unknown period of time, I think the open surgery recovery is longer. 
    isn’t it funny how we are all hopeful for a wee hairy gremlin dermoid cyst, so hoping all of us on here are in those 9/10 good odds! X 

  • My mum's in Scotland and her endometrial cancer took months for her hysterectomy then there's been no decent follow up. They need targets like in England but I've found that there's more medically trained professionals here as I'm an hour away from London so I think it makes things run smoother when you can attract the personnel.

  • "wee hairy gremlin," makes it sound like they could sprout legs and run away. And I had two of them!

    I miss Scotland. Down here new people either talk to me about whiskey or deep fried mars bars. I'm not partial to the former and the latter I've never tasted  

  • Aren’t they. I even thought someone telling me I had 100% cancer, then having to wait a month to see someone seems just such a long time. All of those timescales are just so long. I will be so anxious to be on any of them with that time frame! 
    yes I’m in Scotland, and hopeful to hear something on Friday too. Really hoping this is our last week in the dark. It’s been a long wait to get this far. 
    the secretary also told me it could be a phone call, a letter or a request to contact my GP for results. My anxiety was through the roof not knowing how I’ll hear or what that meant so she said I could call on Friday next week for an update so it was a little more in my hands. I still don’t think she will tell me much over the phone, either it’s been looked at or has not. 
    im still anxious, just desperate for this bit of waiting to be over. I don’t want to be told it’s something sinister of course, but I certainly feel this not knowing and having no control or plan is awful too. I wonder if in some months I will look back and wish to be back where I am now with not knowing for certain! X 

  • Agreed that’s the NHS care in Scotland seems a little more lacking than in the big cities down south. I feel jealous we don’t have a login to view our NHS letters etc. I have looked into going private, I actually made an appointment in a panic but then received a phone call to go for an MRI on the NhS a few days before. I don’t have the funds to spare, however if someone tells me I’ve to wait months then I’ll find them! 
    my gremlin analogy comes from stupidly googling pictures of a dermoid, what horrid things they are. 
    I also hate whiskey, but I do love a fried mars bar! 

  • If the timescale seems to stretch out before you kick up a fuss. My mum was too passive believing in the power of prayer and the wisdom of doctors. She's okay though but it was only 2.5 years ago so I nag her all the time to keep an eye on things and chase the doctor.

    There's a different culture here with the NHS. The docs are more cautious and the service users are more plaintive. Well, I've been down here a long time so I don't really know if the culture has changed much in Scotland but the stories friends and family tell me make me think it's not changed enough. Still very medically paternal.

  • Have you had any word or updates since your MRI? Just checking in! I called yesterday, no one has looked at my updated MRI yet. To call back in a week. She said they would write out when have result but I’m too impatient as my last call I received the letter 3 weeks later so I’d rather keep calling. Hope you are ok. This waiting is very draining!