Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Mario, thanks so much for sharing and very good advice to stay away from Google.  It's good to hear that they are doing 6 monthly check ups to make sure all is ok with you and presumably the frequency will drop off over time all being well.  My fingers are firmly crossed for you.

    I'm trying to work out what the timing could be if it turns out I need a hysterectomy as I'm very keen not to impact my children's school holidays and looking at the NHS targets of urgent referral to treatment of 62 days, that comes in the last week of the holidays, so fingers crossed. Thanks again for sharing. xx

  • Thanks MillekA.  I hope the time zooms by until your appointment next week. I think you're right about their providing sanitary towels at the hospital but I'll also be taking some too just in case.  It's weird suddenly needing sanitary stuff again.  I'm needing to hide it from my girls as they'll wonder why I'm suddenly wearing pads.  Neither of them have started their periods yet so we have a number of packs of teen pads in the house but I suspect those won't cut it. ;) Sending lots of good luck to youMillekA and everyone else on this thread.  xx

  • Once I was staged in February, I had hysterectomy 4 weeks later, and although was out of hospital 24 hours later took me 3/4 weeks to get back on my feet. I then had brachertherapy as was grade 3, 4 weeks after this, but I still went to work with this.

    everything moves fast once have diagnosis, my fingers are crossed that your hysterscopy gives you an all clear.. so easy to panic, I still do now but hopefully you get the answers fast.. took me 10 days for results after this procedure just to makes aware it’s still a wait xx good luck xx

  • I took my own underwear and pads with me. I was glad of them too, the string knickers they gave me were awful! Good luck everyone, we’ve got this xx

  • lol we aren’t going to win any competitions wearing string knickers now are we :D conjures up quite a picture haha. I’ll pack my own. And it is weird to have had to buy sanitary pads after years of missing that aisle in the supermarket. 

  • String knickers sound fun Ainberlin.  I'm imagining the sort of thing I keep stopping my 14 year old buying, but I'm guessing it's more like a paperbag tied together! I'll take my own.

    Mario, that's really helpful to know what your timings were.  So hard to have a such a wait after the hysteroscopy too.  I may receive the results around my birthday woohoo!  When were you able to go back to work after the hysterectomy?  Mine is a desk job and I work from home, but I guess it would still be difficult to be sitting for long-ish periods. I'm trying to think worst case scenarios for a cancer diagnosis as it helps me feel more prepared.  Good luck everyone and great to be able to chat. xx

  • Hi, good that u look for worst case, so either way ur mindset good..I didn’t even entertain a diagnosis so I was knocked of my feet when the doc at hospital told me.. how stupid was i lol…I was only in hospital for a day, but was a bit more tricky as they started one procedure but hsd to change and open my old caesarian scar due to scar tissue, so took me couple weeks to walk and sleep properly, then couple weeks to get on my parts went to histology for further checks, got results bk after I think 7/10 days which gave me final stage and grade 

  • I had my hysteroscopy a fortnight ago under GA. Afterwards, I was told I had a polyp removed and had thickened Uterus - I wasn’t given measurement. I was told biopsy’s were taken under the two week schedule, but haven’t heard anything yet and am getting so anxious. I am thinking it’s taking the full two weeks because they are double-checking, or the letter has got lost in the post, or I’ve been forgotten. I can’t tell my husband because he isn’t good in these situations. 
    is anyone here in Essex? Do we get all results by post? What if it’s good news - is that a phone call? Do you get the result in a letter, or an invite to make an appt but you must bring someone with you?

    I can’t stop thinking about this.

  • I would presume that the pathology labs doing the screening of bipsies must be under a great deal of pressure as they’re not only dealing with our biopsies but also everyone else’s too including routine requests. Some people have said their results didn’t come back for 4 weeks or more. We're all with you. Deep breathes. With regards to how we will be told I have no idea I’m afraid until I get to that stage. It really is a worrying time for us all I know that but try to do something you enjoy. A walk, a hobby, a movie. Keep your chin up. Remember the advancements in this type of cancer are way better and a lot of women actually survive stage 4 cancers of the womb. Chin up. You got this xxx

  • I asked my consultant why it took so long. She said the process is so intense. They shred the sample to the thinest of layers and every single layer has to be scrutinised. She said they just cant allow for mistakes and this is what takes the time. They have to be exact, no room for mistakes as its someones life. I got my biopsy  results in 2 weeks and my histology results from my hysterectomy was 3 weeks.