Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Still waiting for a date for hysteroscopy. Was hoping for next week as that was what the doctor hinted at after my internal scan last week. I’m taking some comfort from the fact that a smear test that was done 2 weeks ago has come back as clear. I know that a smear doesn’t test for endometrial cancer, but from what I’ve read, if there isn’t any abnormality in cervix cells then any potential  endometrial cancer would only be stage 1 and treatable with a hysterectomy. I have had quite bad cramps for the last 5 days since my internal scan which I’ve managed with pain killers but the thought of more prodding and poking while everything is still quite tender is worrying me. Hope everyone with holidays booked can enjoy them! I had friends round last night and was able to forget about everything for a few hours…. It did me good! 

  • My smear was clear, my biopsy and MRI said stage 1. Histology after Hysterectomy was Stage 3 grade 2a. My treatment plan to prevent it popping up elsewhere is 18 weeks chemo, 25 external beam radio therapy and 4 sessions over 4 weeks of Brachytherapy. It seemed a lot for Adjuvent therapy but when told there could be cancerous cells in my body that cant be seen and it could pop up anywhere in my body at any time, I realised its something that has to be done. You are not alone on this journey, keep going. X

  • And you are not alone either. We’re all here to support you through. We’ve all got this ladies. I know that must sound kind of glib and cliche but I really believe we need to try to stay as positive as we all can be even if we’re not through the diagnoses stages yet. It’s definitely not easy waiting for tests, biopsies etc it seems to take forever to get to the dates and the not knowing is awful but at least we can all try to keep each other uplifted in the mean time. I’ve not told any of my family yet. Only my husband knows at present so I am really appreciating being able to chat with you all. Thank you ladies. Xxx

  • Hello there, hope everyone is doing ok. It is lovely to be able to share here and thanks for your positive words MillekA. 

    I’ve got my hysteroscopy on Thursday and am dreading and willing it on simultaneously. I’m having a hard time with my children not knowing. Altho I’ve only had minimal spotting I feel like I don’t trust my body to be able to go swimming with my girls and they don’t understand why I don’t want to go. I think the specialist said that my uterus was full of blood when I saw him last Tuesday and it’s made me worry. He might not even have said that but you’re in such a nervous state it’s hard to take it in. He definitely said my lining was thicker than it should be and I’ve got a polyp. I’m wondering if I need to take heavy duty sanitary towels on Thursday. For those who have had hysteroscopy did you need that please? Wiseowl, I do hope you hear about your appointment soon. Thanks again all and sending lots of calming vibes your way. xx

  • Good luck on Thursday Rose Tree. I know what you mean about not taking information in from the doctors. I think I’m going to take my adult daughter with me next time so she can help me remember! I’ve had 2 more people tell me how difficult they found the hysteroscopy so that’s worrying me. I’m also still having mild cramping from the internal scan last Tuesday which is a bit of a concern. I’ve got no temperature or sign of infection though. Urghh -living on my own certainly doesn’t help as I’m overthinking everything! Chin up everyone. Glad of the support on here. 

  • Hi..I had a bleed at 56 after 5 years in menopause, only a light bleed, I had been suffering bloating constipation and tiredness. I was put on a 2 week pathway only cos of the bleed, sadly although hospital were brill and everything moved at fast pace, I was diagnosed 1a grade 3 endometrial.

    full hysterectomy and am now 3 and 1/2 years into things, every 6 months check up. but a bleed does not always mean cancer, so try not to overthink things xx I’ve had 2 friends and 1 sister all have same thing and they were all clear no cancer. Very easy to go the panic route, I was soooo bad for Google that I’m sure I could be a nurse now lol, if I could recommend 1 thing to all the ladies going through this ..stay away from Google search, all paths lead to worst case senario, wait till u know what what dealing with. Good luck to u all xx

  • Hi there, I had a d&c and a hysteroscopy under GA 9 days ago. I had light bleeding on and off for about 7 days, nothing too heavy. I had mild cramps for about a couple of days but that’s stopped too. Still don’t have any results yet and am going on holiday tomorrow - for a month! No idea what to do except be positive and careful. Good luck with your next few days xx

  •  Good luck for Thursday Rose tree. Don’t know if you are supplied with sanitary wear where you are. I know we are but I’m going to pack a small amount of sanitary towels of my own just incase. Try not to panic about it all please.. Easy for me to say at the minute though :). You’ll be in good hands and best place for instant care. I’ll be thinking of you. My turn isn’t until a  week on Tuesday. Like you I wishing it was sooner but not too.Its a wEire kind of limbo we are in right now but as Mario11 says it maybe not what we are dreading to hear. We’re all behind you. Xx

  • Thank you for updating us. I for one really appreciate this. It’s reassuring to know this. Let’s hope you hear very soon xx

  • Thanks Ainberlin, I hope you have a lovely holiday and can distract yourself well. Have you asked if they can phone you with your results. It could either, hopefully, end the worry or if not help you to know there’s a plan to sort it out. xx