New cancer diagnosis: Grade 3 Endometrial Cancer

I was given the diagnoses of Grade 3 Endometrial Cancer on the 28th December which was a shock. 

I was referred for an ultrasound which picked up a 1.5 cm polyp. 

The biopsy couldn’t be done as I found it too painful/uncomfortable and so a general anaesthetic was organised to remove it on 8th Dec. At this point my gynae said it didn’t look worrying but he’ll send it off to be tested anyway. 

28th December received a phone call to attend an urgent appointment same day, plus another one this coming week for an MRI. I was told it was a grade 3 cancer. I don’t know what type. The MRI is to see if it’s spread. 

My Gynae told me I’ll need hysterectomy. 

I’m very scared by all this especially since I’ve ignored bladder symptoms of occasional bleeding in urine and problems with flow of urine. 

To make matters more complicated I was put on a vpap ventilator at night for my lungs in the Summer, my SPO2 levels are extremely low night and day.

I get pain in my lungs and the area where my liver is.

I’m very very scared. 

I’m on my own with all of this. No support near. 

  • Hello EndoCanc, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis - it must have been a real shock for you especially if you were initially told it didn't look too worrying and it ended up being Grade 3 endometrial cancer. I hope that they will also find out what is causing the pain in your lungs and liver area - make sure you bring these symptoms up with your doctor if you haven't done so already. Our website has in-depth information on endometrial cancer including on treatment which I hope you will find helpful and you can also find out more about the hysterectomy

    It's so sad there is no support available near you - it might be worth asking your GP or medical team whether there might be any local groups you could join. Maggie's for example offer great support in various centres across the UK and online so it might be worth getting in touch with them. 

    We've had several members post on the forum before who were diagnosed with Grade 3 endometrial cancer and you can read for example  's endometrial cancer story and feel free to respond if you would like to.  also posted this thread and was also at the time waiting to have a hysterectomy after being diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer.  is yet another member who had an endometrial cancer diagnosis and you can read her story here. These are just a few examples - and there are many more - and I hope that you will get to chat to other members of our community who have had a similar diagnosis in the past or who are currently going through endometrial cancer treatment. To make it easier for your thread to be spotted by others affected by this cancer, I have added the words 'grade 3 endometrial cancer' to the title of your post. 

    I hope that you can start treatment soon and if you ever had any questions or wanted to talk things through with someone, feel free to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Lucie,

    Many thanks for all of the helpful information you provided, I really appreciate it.

    Best wishes,


  • Hey  

    Sorry for the late reply! It can be a very scary rime, especially during the waiting period between being diagnosed and getting the plan of action! Have they told you anymore yet? 

    I was diagnosed last March, had a full hysterectomy at the age of 31 last May and completed 27 rounds of radiotherapy between July and September last year! It was a whirlwind of appointments and inf rmation which i didnt see an end to but i was given the all clear in December. Its a scary time but please dont feel like you're alone, feel free to message whenever you need someone to talk to ️