Endometrial Cancer

So after many months of suffering and the doctors ignoring my symptoms, i was finally diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer on the 24th March at the grand old age of 31yrs old and just 9 weeks after my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer! On the 29th March i had a ct and mri scan to determine how far gone the cancer is and see if its spread anywhere else. Due to it being good friday last week, my hospitals Friday meeting to discuss the results didnt go ahead and they would have only discussed it at yesterdays Friday meeting. I have my results appointment next Friday! Finally!! 

Mentally ive been coping ok. After the news i felt numb, kept crying and went extremely quiet. Since then ive had an angry stage, a denial stage and now im in the worry/anxious stage. The not knowing if its spread, the not knowing if they're going to take my chances of becoming a mum away, the not knowing how long I'll be off work for and the not knowing what treatment i need is definitely taking its toll and i feel my mental health is on a downward spiral as we approach my results appointment. 

Im wide awake at 4:30am after only going to bed at 1am because the worry has woken me up. Plus ive developed a weird pain in my tummy the last couple of days which my doctor has decided is just due to my weight and not being caused by anything else. Yet my weight hasnt changed in about a year but hey ho, docs like blaming my weight for everything, that's the reason im in this predicament in the first place! I feel sick which i assume is the anxiety around everything and just want to scream at the world around me! 

I dont really know what the point of this post is but i was advised to come here and write one so here i am! Maybe it was just a chance for me to rant and get those feelings off my chest...i don't really know. #shrugs# 

  • Hello Bugalugs91,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and how this is making you feel. There is plenty of information and advice on possible next steps and living with womb or endomterial cancer here, which you can read in your own time. I hope appointment goes ok this Friday. To help you feel more prepared, it might help to write down any concerns you have in a notepad and take that with you. Never be afraid to ask your doctor questions as talking will help relieve anxieties, mindfulness can also be useful too.

    All the best and I hope posting has helped in some way,

    Moderator Anastasia