Endometrial Cancer Stage 3

I am feeling nauseated a lot of the time not on treatment yet  is this usual?  I have asked for medical advice but stress seems to be the reason.  Been diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 3 on cancer path had all the tests quickly now still not started  treatment which is chemo first and future hysterectomy but nothing in place I thought it was urgent!  I don't know where to turn for some action is it because I am an older person?

  • Morning Iguana 

    I am sorry you are in this position. I can't believe for a moment it's because you are older. It could be you need to make a few calls to get informed what's happening , do you have a CNS yet? I would make that my first call, they will let you know, ir find out what's happening if they can. A day for hitting the phone I think, good luck honey. xxx 

  • Hi can I ask how old you are I'm 69 and going for hystroscopy tomorrow my womb lining was 11mm dr said I'm fast tracking you for cancer that was after ultrasound scan . I've not slept for 2 weeks. Did they tell you anything at your hystroscopy at all or do you have to wait for results .

  • I am 80 years of age and considered fit and well, I was fast tracked after heavy bleeding, had a  camera inspection and a polyp was mentioned and told I needed further investigation, then was contacted to have MRI scan, and then interview and informed cancer cellls on lining of womb,then CT Scan, another interview and next Chemotherapy required, before hysterectomy I am now waiting for Chemotherapy! Whole thing started from 6th February!    It has been a Nightmare and still is ,not what I expected  so I know exactly how you feel, frightened and isolated . Make phone calls to speed getting results you may have a simple polyp apparently that is very common, that is removed.   Hope your story is simple xx

  • I was originally  sent for 3 ultrasonic  scans as I had groin pain which found a small hernia like you I'm fit and well. This was picked up.on the scans Dr has fast tracked me for cancer so my head is in a spin as I never expected  this at all.Im due my hysteroscopy  in a few hrs which I'm dreading as I've been told it's really painful so scared I've not been offered a ct or mri scan at all who will offer them All my has  leaflet says you will get results and so will your Dr I've not slept for 2 weeks I'm an absolute  wreck Hope yours goes OK and nothing is picked up on your scans I've sent you a friend request if that's ok

  • hi  Pam jam what is a CNS please

  • Hi sorry I meant to ask is your s just contained in the womb have they told you x

  • Clinical Nurse Specialist. Everyone with cancer gets a 'personal' nurse to advice, liaise and offer support both emotional and practical. Hope everything is getting sorted for you xx 

  • Yes that's OK I think CNS is nurse you refer to with any questions about your treatment plan. And what the next step would be.  I am not looking forward to any of it just want to get it sorted!  So will give it a couple of days I am told I should hear this week about hospital outpatient treatment Keep me posted on your results x

  • Just got round to making a reply after 12 months I have not had hysterectomy I have had allergic responses to chemo (3 times) now on hormone therapy ( last resort)? No clear discussions life in limbo telephone discussions no real connection to my treatment wvhere will this end I feel ok it’s just the mental stress anyone in my position?