I’m really struggling with the fact my dad died

I don't really know where to turn because no one I know has really gone through this yet. 
I lost my dad 2 months ago and it's absolutely destroying me. My dad played both mum and dad and I've lost 2 parents in one and im broken. We spoke and saw each other every single day without fail and im so lonely without him. My heart has broken and I have no one to turn to. Im not depressed but im extremely sad, lonely and my heart has truly shattered. I try and talk to friends and family but they don't understand and I keep getting "I'm always here" and "at least you got to say goodbye". It's like my world has stopped and everyone else's is still going and I feel like whenever I'm around people I instantly drag their mood down. I just genuinely don't know how to cope that he is no longer here

I would like to just thank everyone for their kind words and support, it is very appreciated. I haven't had much time recently to reply but I want you all to know I'm here for you ️  you'll never be alone in the world when people as nice as you lot are here x

  • I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm in a similar situation. my father passed away 4 weeks ago and people say "he lived to a good old age" as if that's a comfort?! 

    In all honesty - there is nothing I can say that will make you feel better - for now. All I can say is, each day brings new opportunities to smile should we so wish to; a memory, a flower etc. 

    My Dad was my hero and I'm unable to function most of the time. Im jumping through the stages of grief and no where near acceptance and that's ok. My dad wasn't the type that would allow me to "wallow" which was a cause of many an argument when he was alive however, I can see why he didn't want me to sit and be a "sissy" (his choice word) when things got hard. He was from the "silent generation" and had me much, much later in life. He wasn't at all politically correct in gender issues which when reading the news now makes me chuckle when I think of his reactions.

    I cry, I get angry, I don't eat or sleep, my mood brings others down (those that know you and truly care will not mind the low mood) but - on occasion - I smile & laugh and deep down I hope for more of these occasions to arise and override the sadness and pain. I can't promise everyday won't bring a bout of tears but I can promise there will be times where you will smile and eventually we both will be able to laugh a happy laugh, I can't say when but it will happen and when it does you'll smile at yourself



  • Hi just this Thurday the 19th of August my dad was told he has less than 24hrs left he is still here as of today, and iv been sitting with him and can see tears coming down both sides of his face he can barely talk just mumble, and I'm scared and really struggling to cope, reading Ur story has atleast helped me a little bit, I just can't accept the fact he is going to die here, can't believe it's My dad! He seemed ok just this Wednesday the day before !!

  • I just read your post and I felt compelled to respond. I’m sorry for what you are going through. It must be heart breaking and I can’t imagine what you are going through. My dad passed 3 weeks ago quite suddenly. I never got to say goodbye, tell him I loved him or hold his hand in his last moments. He was alone. His last moments keep playing in my mind and I would give an arm and a leg to have 5 mins with him again. So while your father is still with you please tell him how much you love him, hold his hand and let him know everything is going to be ok. Thinking of you and know that you are not alone. We are all on this horrible journey of grief. Be strong xx
  • I lost my dad 3 y are ago sweet it's the hardest thing I have ever faced in my life it doesn't get easier we learn to go day by day and cope. At the moment you won't feel that way but trust me please xx

  • Hi Moonlight99,

    I've not posted on any of these forums before, but I've been searching and reading a lot on them.

    I've just read your post and thought I'd reply. I'm so so sorry about your Dad and I can only imagine the absolute pain and devastation you're going through. My Dad has terminal cancer and like you, my Dad has been both my Mum and my Dad my whole life. My Mum left when I was a baby, so my Dad brought me up. So when he dies, it'll be like losing both parents at once, and it's devastating. So I understand how you are feeling. A lot of people come from one parent families through different circumstances. But even people who have both parents and lose one, it's still traumatic.

    My Dad was diagnosed with cancer at the end of June this year and was told he has 6 months or less left to live. I've dreaded this my whole life. I know it's natural for your parents to die, but it's still just ****. And I wasn't expecting him to be told he had a short time to live as he only had symptoms for a couple of months so I thought they'd be able to treat him. So it's been a shock for both my Dad and I.

    I know you might feel very alone right now, but you're not. I know you don't know me, or anyone on these forums, but please talk on this whenever you need to, about anything you need to. I've said I won't be able to cope when my Dad dies, and I don't know how I will... But I'll just have to. I know my Dad would want me to get on with my life...he's told me this already. I talk to my Dad about anything and everything. And we've talked about him dying. He has said to me that when he dies, it will get easier for me in time, as it does for everyone. He's experienced a lot of loved ones dying and has said the hurt will ease in time, and yours will too. It's still very very early since you lost your Dad.. It's still raw. But you will be OK and learn to cope. If I think (hope) I will be OK, then you will be too.

    Do you have any siblings? I don't. If you do, I hope you can help each other.

    But please don't feel alone


  • I hope it's ok to post a reply here, there aren't many chats (that I can find), but my dad passed away 2 weeks ago yesterday, of heart failure, so not cancer. He too was my dad and mother in one. I've been told it's like riding a wave, you're ok then you're very much not. I have a two year old so when she isn't at nursery, I have to be okay, and I know my dad would hate to think I'm upset in front of her. But I'm then feeling guilty when I've been ok. I'm crying writing this so I know my tears are there, I cry when I'm on my own driving. 

    I think recognising you're not depressed but extremely sad is really strong of you. The first week I felt so out of control that I chose not to eat properly, just so I could control that, but again i keep thinking what dad would think and it snapped me out of that, plus I have to for my girl. 

    I think friends don't know what to say, especially if they've not experienced it. I find in wanting information from friends that have lost their dads, in a horrible way I think it might be comforting, but then I'm aware I don't want to bring up their pain. I've had someone I thought was a good friend, only saw 3 days before my dad passed away, telling her how my dad was doing but how I hoped he'd move in with me and my family when he came out (of hospital) and I've not had a single message from her. I feel hurt but then I think that hurt is nothing compared to what I'm feeling for my dad. 
    please know you can post on here, it's not the same but chat about what you're feeling or share memories, I'm lonely despite having a partner and child. Not having a mum (she left my dad over ten years ago and her and I don't speak, I sided at the time with my dad as he's so lovely), then losing your dad is such a lonely experience and I know I'd like to find people to chat to. Even if it's about the confusion of what you're feeling (mine is the guilt of when I'm ok, having had to sing a toddler rhyme!) I'll be here to chat, even if that's a lot of sharing my own story, as I realise I have, 

  • Lost my Dad Monday 23rd August, he had METS and deteriorted very quikly after finding out ( 3 weeks it took him ), I'm trying to support my mother at this time, she is a stroke victim also, the pain of this is tearing me apart and i'm trying my best to get myself together.

    My Dad was so scared of hospital and i feel guilty for leaving him in there with no hope, he so wanted to come home, this haunts me now and i feel i let him down :(

    In four weeks our second child is due, so i return to the very hospital where i lost my Dad.

    People say loss gets easier to deal with, but will it :(

  • Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about your dads passing, my heart breaks for you. I lost both parents last year. My mum died of cancer on 2/7 and my dad passed away from a broken heart 4 days later. I didn't know how to even begin to carry on, the grief was overwhelming. I wish I could say it eases with time but it doesn't but you carry on because you have to. The grief is always there but you do learn to live with it. I miss my mum and dad everyday and I do break down quite a lot when the grief consumes me. You have to take each day as it comes , remember silly things about him that make you smile. Grief effects everyone differently so there are no right and wrongs. Just take care of yourself and feel blessed that you had such an amazing dad. Hugs love and hugs xxx

  • Hi leam

    Thank you for those words, so sorry to hear about your mom and dad, the pain must be unbearable. Grief is now a part of my life and yes you are corect that you somehow learn to live with it, it made me so ill, i lost weight and went very distant from my family, after the birth of my daughter ( four days after dads funeral ) i could hear my dad saying to me in my mind 'Come on son get it together' i know he would have gave me a right telling off.

    More than two months now since he passed and like yourself i break down alot but slowly the good times i shared with him are now starting to overtake those images of him in hospital. 




  • You will have days when you can cope and days when you can't. The days you can't don't beat yourself up, sometimes you just have to give in and scream or cry. I can hear my dad all the time telling me that I need to move on and when I visit their grave I can hear him telling me I'm a twit for going up there in the rain . It gives me comfort. I hope you can find comfort in your daughter and in your memories. Just message if you want to vent xx