My lovely mum died on 21st March and I don't think I have ever felt so much pain - she was diagnosed in November last year and it's all been such a shock - it's now slowly seeping in that she's gone. I feel as though I organised her funeral on auto pilot. My mum was my best friend and I feel so adrift without her. We became especially close after my dad died nearly 4 years ago - even though his death hit me hard I don't remember it hitting me as hard as my mum passing. It's as though a bomb went off in our lives and I've now got to make some sense of it all. One day me n mum were going around IKEA doing normal stuff together and two weeks later she's in hospital and we're being told she has advanced stomach cancer with 3- 6 months left. My mum made 4 but the last month was so hard watching her fade away whilst in the hospice - it's all such a shock and the only person who can help me is now no longer here. I've been reading other posts and know you understand - my friends have been really supportive but I still feel very alone. I don't have any brothers or sisters and I'm not married or with a partner as we split a couple of years ago - all I can do is take it one day at a time. Any other advice for those who have survived this would be greatly appreciated.