I had thought I was doing better this year but now I feel just as bad as before. This week it is a year since I was told my Dad was dying, and it is 6 months since my Mum died. I'm re-living so many memories, my Dad's death in March, watching my Mum grief stricken. Me trying desperately to help her rebuild her life only for her to be diagnosed with the same cancer in June. Then watching her deteriorate just like my Dad, until she died in August. I don't know how to cope anymore. Losing one parent would have been awful, but if I still had one we could have grieved together. Now I've got myself in a state about their house, I so wanted to do the right thing and decided I would do the house up with a view to keeping it for the future and possibly renting. Now work has started it is a major project, it is upsetting me and I now realise I couldn't rent it. I wished I'd never started it but I guess I'll just need to do it up to sell. I feel like I've done everything wrong. I miss my parents so much, I don't like my life the way it is now. I don't want this unhappiness to carry on another year, I feel like I've lost the happy person I once was and I'm scared she'll never come back. Sorry for rambling but I just need to write it down.