Unsure if I want to know husband's prognosis

Hi - my husband has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer - metastatic- had bone scan & ct scan & we’re waiting to see the oncologist to give us the prognosis & see how far the cancer has gone.

I desperately want to be there with my husband for the oncologist meeting but, although he wants to know, I’m not sure I can face knowing how long he may have in actual years. I feel such a coward - I’m just not sure what to do. Feeling very selfish & frightened.

  • Hi Eddie - really sounds like positive news for your daughter & yourself with treatment going forward. Feels like they’re really on top of situations which is very reassuring. 
    Thanks for the tip with Menoforce - anything that might help is very welcome. He also has a cold pack for his forehead sometimes which is really quick to lower his temperature. Every little helps as they say. 
    Thanks for keeping in touch & take good care. 
    Love Linda x

  • Morning Linda, you are welcome, and it's always good to hear from you, and thank you, I have had some good news lately which is welcome especially regarding Mandy, I have MDT meeting No5 on Tuesday "my 5th in 8 weeks", hopefully my last for some time, and we can finally make some holiday plans, as you probably know, we do like holidays, say hi to hubby for me and take good care of yourself too.

    love Eddie xx