I an a 58yo male. Diagnosed locally advanced prostate cancer July 2022 after bloods, MRI, CT and prostate biopsy was told Tb3/4 N1 M1. gleason 4+4/8, PSA 8.2 and metastatic, already in lymph nodes iliac, perirectal and seminal vesicles. put on bicalutamide for 1 month followed by androgen deprivation therapy monthly prostap injections then three monthly had TURP early Feb with epidural, radiotherapy arranged for April. Mid march had CT and tattoos in prep for RT. week before RT saw oncologist was going to have 20 doses of radical radiotherapy as cancer had spread to bowl, bladder and anal/rectum. PSA check October 0.08. January PSA 0.24, T4 N2 M1a and gleason 10 (9,88) to be exact PCa now intraductal with large cribriform variant, "treatment" unlikely but to be discussed at oncology meeting in April. Feb CT scan rectal tumour is not from prostate and is benign and can be removed with a tiny amount of anaesthetic (PS my heart hates it) Op done early April successfully. MDT meeting April 23rd PSA 0.48, HT to continue to Sept 2025 if helping, radiotherapy has worked well all lymph's shrunk by over 70% and NED bladder and bowel, When PSA reaches 1.5 we will talk again