Bleeding from vagina after a bowel movement!

Hi all. I am looking for advice as I am freaking out. Quick background - 30 year old female, mother of 2. (Youngest is 2 years old) both delivered by emergency c section. No previous medical conditions. I last had a smear test done in January 2020 and result came back normal. For the last 6 months or so my periods have been Irregular and most recently I have been spotting a lot in between periods. I have also discovered the connection that every time I have a bowel movement I bleed from my vagina!! I can't find any other explanation for this other than cervical cancer! Anyone experienced this?? TIA! 

  • Hi ABC1234, I have bleedings to after bowel movement. I had a scan and I have 9 fibroids but never knew they could cause bleeding. Can you explain pls what you know? Many thanks 

  • Hi, sorry if doubling up on reply. Not sure if first one went through. Can you explain if possible why fibroids bleed? I have nine fibroids and have same problems after bowel movements. Went for a scan all normal but still worried. I had no explanation why this is happening. I am menopausal too on hrt. Many thanks.

  • Hi, not everyone who has fibroids has bleeding, but it depends where they are located. When symptoms are present, they can include: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as heavier, longer periods or bleeding between periods. I used to bleed everytime I exercised, crunches are particularly bad for people with fibroids.

    Also eating oestrogen rich foods can cause them to grow etc, especially soy, flaxseeds and dried fruits etc.  And menopause can cause them to shrink which also encourages them to bleed.  I am not a doctor though.  You should always get symptoms checked out with a doctor.

  • Thanks for your reply. I have a doctor's appointment lined up for further investigation. Good luck to all women here on the forum with your treatments and diagnosis.

  • I have been bleeding irregularly for weeks now. I have heavy bleeding after sex and also bleeding after bowel movements. 

    i called my GP who basically said im not die smear till 2024 Feb 

    my last smear was Feb 2022 - where i has CIN3 and had to have Lletz treatment. 

    and now this is happening and GP wont even make me a appointment what should i do 

  • Hi JulieCC sorry to hear about your experience. Your GP seems a bit ignorant to me. It's good to hear you got treated for your CIN3. It normally take very long time for severe cervical cancer to develop sometimes 10 years or more, so it's good that you catched it early last time. Can you get a second opinion for another GP?  Also, if you can I would do a smear test and/or transvaginal scan privat if you can afford it. Obviously talk to a private doctor first and consult with them what they think what tests you should have. In the end it's your health and you can show the test results for GP if you need further treatment. I wish you all the best with your health and peace of mind.

  • Update from me….had an ultrasound which showed the endometrial lining was thick, 8mm. So had a hysteroscopy and biopsy. So waiting on the results of that. Still having constant brown discharge with occasional blood. Thinking of you all x

  • I wish you all the best with your test results. It is easy to worry to much and getting carried away. Sending positive thought to all women here.

  • Hi Sair,

    I hope your tests come back OK. Let us know how you get on. Sending positive thoughts x

    I've been having the same symptoms for the last 35 days and it's driving me insane. 

    It all started with a normal period but I bled for 9 days instead of the regular 4 and it was heavier than normal. Then I had constant brown discharge. Stopped for 1 day, had sex and boom, started bleeding fresh blood again for another 3 days. Back to brown blood, had a bowel movement and back to red blood, back to brown, had my normal period again but only the 4 days this time, had a week of brown, now back to heavy bleeding after bowl movement.

    Ive had continual lower abdomen pain (like period, with sharper pain on my left side. Also lower back pain to my right side.

    I had my pap done in Feb and it came back clear. 2 weeks ago I had a pelvic exam and swabs. Swabs came back clear and nurse said my cervix looked healthy. She also told me to book another appt if symptoms weren't getting better. Rang on Wed but they can't get me in until May 9th. 

    I'm just so sick of the bleeding and abdominal pain now, it's getting me down

  • Hi I don't know if anyone is still coming on here. But I'm a nervous wreck I'm 32 years of age with 2 children. I have started bleeding bright red blood after bowel movement and brown blood in between. I don't have any belly pains and my period isn't due for another 7 days! I have a smear booked in for tomorrow and I'm so nervous. I've had a bad smear result before but that was nearly 5 years ago. Anxiety is starting to over take. X