Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • I’m seeing the gynaecologist on Friday … I’ll be thinking of you

  • Hi MillekA, I just read your news and the latest on your must be such a relief after what must have been a difficult journey.  It just goes to show that many of the symptoms we discuss on here are very often benign.  I suppose all these things make us stronger and wiser.  I'm sure if the surgery did your ECG it would be nice and regular now you're through this tumultuous episode!  And I'm also sure this will be a comfort to other women on this forum.  

  • Well today was my day! I went to see the consultant … I have a 1a grade cancer in my uterus, which will be removed in its entirety, along with my ovaries and fallopian tubes, somewhere around the 14th of August! Amazing service from the NHS… Which just goes to show when it works well it works really well. My prognosis is extremely good. I will have to do work hard some weight… I feel somewhat aggrieved at the assumption that I do nothing about it at all.I gained my weight after having two nervous breakdowns whilst  in an abusive marriage and taking massive doses of antidepressants. My weight has been fairly static since. However, it’s my second chance and I’m gonna grab it with both hands.  Good luck to everyone else in my position. I have found your support and comments extraordinarily supportive and for that I could great thanks.

  • Ali G I had exactly the surgery that you will be having.  I had it done on 17 May and feeling good about things now.  I had robotic surgery which is like keyhole.  Honestly you will be fine and the outcome for this type of cancer is very good.  And in your case it was caught early so even better.  After surgery you will really need to take it easy and rest.  Please make sure you have some good people around you to help out and be there for you when you need it.  I wish you the very best moving forward and stay positive.

  • Offline in reply to AliG

    Positive news AliG. My hysterectomy is 19th August… we can compare notes! Yes I agree with you re: doctors and weight. I’ve been made to feel that I’ve sort of brought this on myself… and to an extent I have. But I’m constantly trying  to lose weight and am currently doing so successfully. Also I genuinely had NO idea about the link between weight and endometrial cancer. I feel there needs to be much more awareness raised about it; rather like smoking/ lung cancer. 
    Good luck- keep in touch on here! Xx 

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    Completely agree. I’ve been overweight for a long time … but my gp said it was more important to keep on an even keel mentally … and I’m fine now I’m divorced! Hahahaha! Yes let’s swap notes! 

  • Thank you so much for your positivity!

  • Hi, like you, I had no idea about the link between weight and endometrial cancer, there’s not enough information out there. I too, am trying (yet again) to lose the weight and am going with a combination of diet, exercise (eventually) and Mounjaro. Yes, I’m doing injections to support my journey. Got to get on top of this situation. So far, so good for me.

    Take care everyone xx

  • Hi AliG, good to hear you have diagnosis, plan, and good prognosis.  I was over weight a couple of years ago, diet and anti depressants.  I sent Wiseowl1 a message on what I do, but check with your team first before you consider the changes I made.  We're all on a journey in our lives, going in different but similar directions.  Just stay on it and you'll reach your destination.  Do whatever it takes, but be kind and trust your body can help and heal you too.  We'll all be thinking of you and reach out if you feel lost Xx

  • Hi. I'm Scotland too. Been waiting over 7 weeks for my biopsy results.  I'm 56 and overweight and told my polyp had suspicious areas and endometrium was thickened.  This waiting is awful.  Can't sleep and concentration coming and going. Hope you get answers soon.