Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • So after my hysteroscopy yesterday, and being told I need MRI within10 days, I have been called in for one tomorrow!! This has put me into immediate panic!!

  • We’re heading to Cornwall. We used to go every year u til covid hit along with my hubby having a meningeal tear which had him bed bound for nearly a year on and off and literally no f2f appointments ex eating quick in and out ct and mri scans. Everything done via telephone. Anyway my point is he wouldn’t drive far just incase he had a major bleed. Well this year he decided we go to Cornwall and I’m stoked for it. Dragging myself there come heck or high water. :)

  • Don’t panic! I was told that on the 2ww if there is a space or cancellation they will fit you in sooner. Stay strong and think positive thoughts if you can. Every cup half empty is a cup half full if you re look at it xx

  • Can I just say thank you to you all from the bottom of my heart for your support! You guys rock and I am so glad that I found you all here.  

  • Thank you MillekA. I definitely tend to think the worst. Need to work on changing my mindset! Have a fabulous holiday! Xx 

  • Sending you lots of positive energy. Have a great time in Cornwall. I think you’ll have some lovely weather as well. Just enjoy. 

  • Hi Gran21, had my scan today 17/7. Lining was 3.8mm, (from 3.6mm) so within normal limits. FIbroids tiny bit bigger.  Surface of endo smooth and regular in appearance.  Ovaries looked normal.  No referral on.  Wait and watch.  But I do have Gynaecologist on Monday...just belt and buckles to see what she thinks.  She doesn't know I've had the scan so I hope it will help. Still having the spotting, and was worse after scan I hope you're OK.

  • Well it turns out they had given me the wrong appointment time for my MRI today, so turned up at 1 and they told me my appointment was 3:40, so had to go home and get someone else to take me, as my daughter had to go back to work.
    But honestly, it was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do. I’m usually really brave with anything and everything, but they nearly had to abort the whole thing. Felt so claustrophobic and restricted strapped to the bed and shoved into a tunnel. And they were playing horrendous ‘hotel foyer’ type piano music through the headphones which I asked them to switch off as it was too annoying!  Some lovely bloke had to stay with me the whole time with his hand on my shoulder, tapping me.   Results will be sent to my consultant within 2 weeks and then they’ll look at them along with biopsies and see what the next step is. Glad that’s over- it was a long 50 minutes! Xx

  • That' must be so reassuring for you x

  • At least that's all the tests done now , hope MRI results are okay for you x