Breast lump and biopsy

Hi, I found a lump recently and was referred to breast clinic for further testing. I had mammogram, ultrasound then biopsy’s taken. They found a few lumps but were happy they were fribroadenomas apart from one. When I was called back in to speak to consultant he said this one was highly suspicious and he basically made out it was cancer without actually confirming.He did say it was small lump.  I need to go back in 2 weeks for my biopsy results but this waiting is absolutely killing me emotionally. I am prepared for official diagnosis but I keep thinking the absolute worst and any twinge or pain is making me feel like it’s cancer that’s spread etc. Is this normal or is my body trying to tell me something? If anyone has any tips on how to get through this next 2 weeks waiting on results? I am crying on and off, I cant go out and I don’t want to speak to people as I keep getting upset about it. 

  • Chelbel 

    this could stil turn out good news my love lots of lunps turn out good news on this forum 

    and of it’s bad news so much can be done these days Ivor breast cancer xxx 

    stsy hete for chats or hel anytime xxc

  •   I am trying my best to be hopeful I truly am but all I keep thinking is cancer, chemo, death. How do I not do this?  I’m so very sorry I know this is so, so negative. I don’t want to scare anybody writing those thoughts down but this is currently my thought process. I second guess myself all the time. Has it been there ages? Is the fact that it’s big mean that it’s incurable?  Have I completely missed this lump, is it bigger? Is it smaller which then gives me slight hope but I ALWAYS return to the negative and google. I have lost half a stone in a week because I can’t eat. 

  • Chel

    You can write anything hete we are here to listen and chat we have been there the thought process is normal , I thought my  life was over however it’s the complete opposite it’s only been one year I feel like it never happened. 
    tgere are so many treatments now breast cancer is no way like it was years ago so much help and treatments available, after my operation my consultant said Lara in a few years you will forget this happened I looked at her thinking is she real however one year on even and it’s true xx 

    I’m here to chat or help any questions or feelings are allowed here my love big hugs xx 

  •    please can I ask the nature of your lump. Size? where in your breast it was? Small/hard? Smooth/moveable? And what grade your cancer was? 
    apologies if this is too personal but it might help me. 

  • Chel 

    I never felt any lump , I felt a heaviness and my dog jumped on me and it hurt so that took me to breast clinic , lots day of it’s painfully it’s not cancer in my case mine felt bruised of pressed against .

    so when I went to the breast clinic I was told there was a suspicious lump and I sort of knew from the atmosphere in the room they had found something nasty .

    biopsy co formed a week later invasive ductal grade 2 her2 negative . The lump when was marked out to me felt hard non moveable it was on left side on bottom side 

    These questions are not to personal I’m happy to share anything I can help with xx 

  • Hi Chelbel,

    I am so sorry to hear that you feel so down at the moment. Sadly, this is fairly normal. Most of us tend to look at the worst possible outcomes before we even have a diagnosis. It is a fact that only 2 people out of every 10 who attend the breast clinic will get a cancer diagnosis. Not all lumps are cancerous. Many turn out to be cysts or fibroadenoma and some of these can be big too. I lost my mum to secondary breast cancer and when I was first diagnosed, I thought exactly like you. I had two young teenage children, who I wanted to see reach their milestones in life. 

    I have now had 2 bouts of breast cancer, but there was no comparison between the diagnosis, treatment and after care, which my mum and I received. It is now 14 years since I got the first diagnosis and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life. In that time, I have seen my children leave school, go to university, graduate, find gainful employment, marry and provide me with 2 beautiful granddaughters.

    I sincerely hope that all turns out well for you and that nothing untoward is found.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi everyone, just wanted to check in and see how you all are? I got my results 2 weeks ago. It’s grade 2 oestrogen receptor 8 HER2 negative. After a really hard 2 weeks, I was totally prepared for my results as I knew it was going to be BC. I had to go back for a repeat ultrasound and guide wire last week and I’m booked in for lumpectomy next week. Based on what they know now they have said lumpectomy and then radiotherapy and hormone treatment. I’m feeling really positive about it all but I also know the treatment plan might change depending on how my surgery  goes. I think the big thing is getting over the shock of it all mentally, that’s been huge for me. I cannot change what has happened so it’s about how I deal with it that’s helping me through.

    I am really thankful for all your kind comments, stories and words of encouragement, it has helped me so much x

  • Jolene 

    sorry to hear this news thsts the same as I had her2 negative I had sane plan as you described 

    you will fly through it just as I did sending you a big warm hug and to let you no we are all here for you anytime xxx love Lara xxx 

  • Thank you and I really hope I do as well as you have and honestly you have given lots of comforting words so thank you. The rollercoaster of emotions is unreal and speaking to people who have been t hrough it this really helps xxx️

  • Shall continue to keep you in my thoughts.