Breast lump and biopsy

Hi, I found a lump recently and was referred to breast clinic for further testing. I had mammogram, ultrasound then biopsy’s taken. They found a few lumps but were happy they were fribroadenomas apart from one. When I was called back in to speak to consultant he said this one was highly suspicious and he basically made out it was cancer without actually confirming.He did say it was small lump.  I need to go back in 2 weeks for my biopsy results but this waiting is absolutely killing me emotionally. I am prepared for official diagnosis but I keep thinking the absolute worst and any twinge or pain is making me feel like it’s cancer that’s spread etc. Is this normal or is my body trying to tell me something? If anyone has any tips on how to get through this next 2 weeks waiting on results? I am crying on and off, I cant go out and I don’t want to speak to people as I keep getting upset about it. 

  • Hi, I can't offer any advice really but wanted to say you're not on your own and I feel a lot like you describe.

    I found quite a big lump and saw my GP a couple of days ago, from her reaction I could tell she thought it was pretty serious. I'm waiting for my clinic appointment to come through. Like you I keep feeling twinges in the area of the lump and I'm paranoid that it's my body telling me something. Logically I know it's probably just that I'm paying attention to it where I wasn't before.

    The waiting is really difficult. I'm trying to keep myself busy, stay positive, keep things in perspective etc but it's not easy. I've been tearful too.

    Can't really give you any advice but I guess we both just have to hang in there. Sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other. Sending you all my best wishes x

  • Hi Jane, so sorry you are going through this. I hope you get your appointment soon and you don’t have anything to worry about. It’s a horrible wait! Completely stuck in limbo. Wising you well xxxx

  • Hi Jolene,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you received this news when you saw your consultant. It is only the results of your biopsy that can confirm whether or not there is any cancer present. I have been in your position on 3 separate occasions. Each time my consultant was pretty certain that it was cancer. On two of these he was right, but on one the biopsy returned a benign verdict.

    The way you are feeling is perfectly normal. Most of us cry a lot, but don't let that worry you. The release of tears are a good stress reliever. You will find that your emotions are all over the place and our over active imaginations lead us to some very dark places. We also tend to think of every little ache and pain is the cancer spreading. Fortunately, this seldom turns out to be true. It is a fact that only 2 people, out of every 10 who attend the breast clinic, will geta cancer diagnosis. This is something that none of us really want, but you can beat it. I was first diagnosed 14 years ago and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life - I'm sure that you will too.

    Most of us find that keeping ourselves busy helps to take our mind off this interminable wait. This doesn't have to be all work. Anything that helps to distract you from the overriding thought of cancer will help.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. In the meantime, we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jane,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry that you are in this unenviable situation too. It sounds as if you are doing all the right things.  Please see my reply to Jolene, as I hope that this can help you realise that  we all feel like this at the beginning. You should get your appointment through within 2 weeks from the date of referral.

    I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine, thank you for your reply. I’m glad this is quite a normal reaction as I feel I’m starting to lose my marbles with it all. Glad to hear I’m not alone with this mental torture. You are so right about our minds going to dark places, it’s a horrible feeling. I’m trying my best to keep busy and keep everything normal as I know once my biopsy results come through my life is going to change. I guess I’m really sad about that as well as I know I’m in for a journey ahead which will really impact my family as well. I was so happy with my life before this, everything was going great and I’ve just had the rug pulled out from under my feet now. Constantly thinking why me? There will be a lot worse to come but I just hope I can get over this and lead a normal happy life again. Thanks again for your reply, it’s been a real comfort to know I’m not alone. Take care xxxx 

  • Jolene 

    sending you a big hug , I went through BC last year my diagnosis was in July22 , it’s been a journey however no where near as bad as I had thought .I’m now fully back to my normal life xx 

    here to help & chat anytime 

    good luck for your results 

  • Hi Jolene, thank you and I really hope you get some answers soon, and hopefully positive news. Keep in touch and it's good to know there's other people here who understand. Take care xx

  • Thanks Jolamine, I really appreciate your message. I guess like lots of peopleI stumbled across this forum because I couldn't sleep, looking for answers online! I know I won't find the answers in google but it's good to know there are supportive people who understand xx

  • Hi Jolene,

    Just when everything in life is hunkydory, a spanner gets thrown in the works. Still, look at this as just a bump in the road - everything will soon be back to normal. There are different types of breast cancer and some are more aggressive than others. Treatments vary according to the type and stage of the cancer. Some can be a challenge, but it's only for a short while.

    A  cancer diagnosis does impinge on the entire family, but the more positive you can be about the outcome, the better everyone will cope. With asmall lump, even if it is cancer, it should be eminently treatable.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you so much for replying. I think once I know what I’m dealing with I will settle a bit. The unknown is a horrible place to be. I will keep you posted with his things go x