Breast lump and biopsy

Hi, I found a lump recently and was referred to breast clinic for further testing. I had mammogram, ultrasound then biopsy’s taken. They found a few lumps but were happy they were fribroadenomas apart from one. When I was called back in to speak to consultant he said this one was highly suspicious and he basically made out it was cancer without actually confirming.He did say it was small lump.  I need to go back in 2 weeks for my biopsy results but this waiting is absolutely killing me emotionally. I am prepared for official diagnosis but I keep thinking the absolute worst and any twinge or pain is making me feel like it’s cancer that’s spread etc. Is this normal or is my body trying to tell me something? If anyone has any tips on how to get through this next 2 weeks waiting on results? I am crying on and off, I cant go out and I don’t want to speak to people as I keep getting upset about it.