Hi all,
I know diagnosis can only come from a medical professional but I am truly terrified of having bowel/colon cancer. I have had intermittent blood in my stool for a while but put it down to piles. The blood has always been bright red so fresh. Last week I had difficulty passing stools followed by what can only be described as very watery diarreah. I knew it wasn't right so contacted the doctor. To be fair, having read through other stories, I think I'm quite lucky because she immediately ordered a FIT test which I returned same day.
Today I receive a called from the doctor informing me my fit test was positive (17 - I don't understand the numbers) and they were doing an urgent 2 week referral. I then got a called from the hospital and have a telephone appointment with a nurse tomorrow morning to discuss what is next - I believe that will be a colonoscopy.
my concern is that for the last week I've had low grade fever pretty much every day, mostly in the evening. My appetite has left the building so I have lost 8lbs in the last week (I'm overweight!).
I had a similar episode in July last year but it was as I was admitted to hospital for Covid so I figured it was a symptom of covid but now am worried that I've had symptoms for nearly a whole year and haven't done anything about it.
Does anyone know how the numbers work with a fit test. The doctor today didn't really say much other than he's sending an urgent cancer referral which has given me anxiety beyond anything I've experienced before.
I'm 42, don't know family history as maternal side we've never known. Paternal side there's no known history of cancer.
Do the fit result numbers inicate how serious whatever it is could be? I'm so frightened I have cancer. I have two kids, one is in the middle of her GCSEs and I really can't think straight at the moment.
if it helps anyone. My symptoms:
change in bowel habit - currently go to the toilet every morning - mostly loose stool but only one occurance of the watery stool following constipation the day before
some mucous when I wipe
low grade fever (mainly in the evening)
recently picked up a cold/flu from my daughter (2 weeks ago so perhaps lower immune system)
loss of appetite (eating less)
weight loss
blood in stool (the stool sample I provided had no visible blood and was quite liquid like)