Positive FIT Test

Hi all,

I know diagnosis can only come from a medical professional but I am truly terrified of having bowel/colon cancer. I have had intermittent blood in my stool for a while but put it down to piles. The blood has always been bright red so fresh. Last week I had difficulty passing stools followed by what can only be described as very watery diarreah. I knew it wasn't right so contacted the doctor. To be fair, having read through other stories, I think I'm quite lucky because she immediately ordered a FIT test which I returned same day.

Today I receive a called from the doctor informing me my fit test was positive (17 - I don't understand the numbers) and they were doing an urgent 2 week referral. I then got a called from the hospital and have a telephone appointment with a nurse tomorrow morning to discuss what is next - I believe that will be a colonoscopy. 

my concern is that for the last week I've had low grade fever pretty much every day, mostly in the evening. My appetite has left the building so I have lost 8lbs in the last week (I'm overweight!). 

I had a similar episode in July last year but it was as I was admitted to hospital for Covid so I figured it was a symptom of covid but now am worried that I've had symptoms for nearly a whole year and haven't done anything about it.

Does anyone know how the numbers work with a fit test. The doctor today didn't really say much other than he's sending an urgent cancer referral which has given me anxiety beyond anything I've experienced before. 

I'm 42, don't know family history as maternal side we've never known. Paternal side there's no known history of cancer. 

Do the fit result numbers inicate how serious whatever it is could be? I'm so frightened I have cancer. I have two kids, one is in the middle of her GCSEs and I really can't think straight at the moment. 

if it helps anyone. My symptoms:

change in bowel habit - currently go to the toilet every morning - mostly loose stool but only one occurance of the watery stool following constipation the day before

some mucous when I wipe

low grade fever (mainly in the evening) 

recently picked up a cold/flu from my daughter (2 weeks ago so perhaps lower immune system) 

loss of appetite (eating less) 

weight loss


blood in stool (the stool sample I provided had no visible blood and was quite liquid like)

  • Hello, 

    sorry to hear you are having these problems. I have very similar symptoms to you, im 30 but with visible blood in my stool, change in bowl habits, excessive gas and bloat. 
    i was referred for an urgent colonoscopy and found that it is an the start Inflammatory bowel disease. Just know that before this diagnosis i was petrified, thinking the worst every second of the day. I also dont know my mums side medical history. I hope you get your colonoscopy soon to put your mind at rest. Sorry i dont know about fit number results

  • Hey,

    thanks for your response. I' m sorry about your diagnosis although it's brilliant news it is not cancer. I can imagine you were terrified. That's where I'm residing currently! Is there a good diet that helps with the symptoms you have for IBD or if it is early stages, did they offer you any advice on how you may reverse it at all? 

    I really appreciate your response and can only hope that there is an alternative explaination to this then what my mind is automatically fearing. 

    Big love ️

  • 17 is really only barely positive. Anything over 10 is considered a positive result, but some people's results go in to the 100s. It means there is some blood in your stool, but not that much. I am no expert but I think that would be consistent with piles. 

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, shopaholic. At least it's not the worst case scenario.

  • Thank you MargaretMary. First doctor I had was a female so she was a little more explanation about what tests she was going to do etc. the results doctor was a male who was very matter of fact and didn't explain the numbers. I've not heard about the FIT test before the first doctor ordered it so when he said it's high I've gone straight to worst case scenario taking into account symptoms. I really hope that it's something straight forward and not the worst case scenario as I'm already halfway over the edge. 

    My concern is that the change in bowel movement coincided with covid so I put the symptoms down to covid if that makes sense. 

    I really appreciate your response. I hope you are right x

  • The FIT test only tests for blood in the stool. Given that you saw blood, a "high" result doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know. All it tells you is that there is blood in the stool but it's not that much. Even the really high results are probably more likely not to be cancer than to be, as lots of things can cause blood in the stool. A high FIT result doesn't mean it is any more likely to be cancer than if you just saw blood in the stool.

    It's good to get it checked out but the odds are it will be something not too serious.

  • Thanks. This morning I did blood tests, this evening I got a text from the surgery. Called them and they said doctor needs to speak to me about results but it's a routine appointment. I'm still freaking out as I've never had bloods back so quick and I'm thinking it's either the CA125 or iron which is not a good combination with the FIT test. 

    A lovely nurse from the hospital also called and has booked my colonoscopy for 10th June so in 2 weeks and 2 days I'll have some idea of what going on. 

    Fever is still an issue which is a worry...anyway will keep updating in the hope it helps someone. 

    Big love to everyone. X

  • Hey Tazmin, 

    Thank you for your message - I appreciate the support. I am relieved but genuinely terrified if I'm honest. I'm freaking out about the bloods now I won't lie. 

    I have been doing a lot of research which is not healthy and I hope you can manage to stay off Google. I would advise that you go back to your GP and insist on an urgent referral though. You could have an inflammatory bowel disease which may also return a high Fit test but I think it's unfair to make you wait for 25 weeks. You can ask for a second opinion also. 

    You are young but it doesn't mean you should have to wait longer than anyone else based on your age. Go back to them and ask them to reconsider referring you sooner. 

    it may also be worth asking for blood tests as well as it may help to figure out what is going on in your body  

    have your symptoms got any better? Are you experiencing any blood in your stool or anything like that? 

    Thinking of you and I will post updates every step of the way if it helps. 

    also, I have been keeping a diary so every day I write everything down no matter how small. I write the times I use the toilet, colour, consistency, I also log my temperature as I have fever every evening for some reason. 

    try not to worry too much, stress is not good for the body. Easier said then done, I know because I'm a mess but until you get an appointment you won't know what's going on. 


  • Hey Tazmin,

    how did you get on with the GP? Are they going to fast track your referral? 

    my blood tests were all ok apart from my calcium and sodium which is a bit low. I explained that every time I get a phonecall it sends me into an anxiety attack. Also got another call on Friday, they want me to provide a sample for IBD so I'll do that tomorrow. 

    Have you heard anything from your uni? I'm in the final sage of uni and have a dissertation to do but can't focus on anything right now. I think the best way forward while waiting is to put things into perspective. There is nothing we can do until we know what we are dealing with. I've gone onto so many forums, read so many stories and in some ways it helps and others it really doesn't. I have also noticed that a lot of people never come back with an update once they have had their tests so a high percentage we read are the people who unfortunately did not get a positive result. 

    You are going through a very stressful and tough time and stress sends our bodies into chaos and this could make any symptoms worse. 

    I am thinking of you and I hope you can get some answers really soon. 

    I will definitely provide an update after my appointment on 10th June and pray that your uni has some compassion given everything you are going through. 

    bug love xx

  • Hi Naim,


    How did you get in with everything?

    my test is 17 too


  • Hi Trevor, 

    I hope you are well. 

    I was seen quite quickly and my colonoscopy was clear of any polyps or growths. I think the worrying part is the waiting. 

    on the day I opted for no sedation, the procedure was a little uncomfortable but I wanted to be alert so I could see everything and ask any questions. The worst part was having to drink the prep the day before. I can only describe the taste as tears with artificial sugar. It was gross. 

    I think with a result of 17, the likelihood is that it won't be anything sinister. Obviously, I'm not a medical professional. 

    Have you been referred for a colonoscopy already? 

    Do update me on how you get on. 
