Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • Hi Peter no problem any questions please  ask either me or someone will get back to yiu

    good luck 


  • Hi there H,

    i was scanning messsges & read yours & has made me feel stronger with a smile. I had my first day of Chemo & Radiotherapy today  for my throat cancer. I have to say I have been strong but somtims I think it’s a brave face for my wonderful husband & my awesome son (15) but today I had a wobble & I am lay next to my husband & having a good cry but reading your message stopped me & made me smile. Thank you H

  • Hi 6 G

    wobbles are perfectly acceptable also screaming silently and crying on the kitchen floor at 0200 in the morning. Lol

    you say  throat is it tonsil? if so  welcome to the small  world of females with basically a male cancer let me know if you feel you can or send s private  friend request 

    good luck day 2 is shorter than day 1

    Hazel x

  • Hi Hazel, 

    thanks for your kind words, I have the *** in base of tongue & in both glands/lymph nodes so had fed peg fitted just under 2 weeks ago & have got to grips with that but not needed yet

    Deb x

  • Hi Deb

    i didn’t face the peg as they thought I would maintain swallow but had to agree to nasal tube if needed and bit I needed it about week 4 fir 6 weeks. It’s tgere to be used when needed in meanwhile try n eat as much as u can and keep hydrated by whatever means you can hydration is the key to it all. If u a wimp can do it anyone can. Have you read my blog ?

    onwsrd and upward to infinity and beyond 

    h x

  • Hi,

    I am on this thread as my Father-in-Law has just been diagnosed with tonsil cancer and has asked me to find out all I can for him.


    But your post has jumped out at me as I was widowed at 46 (my husband was 48), and my absolute lifeline has been WAY Widowed and Young. It's an amazing organisation, offering peer support to those widowed under the age of 50.

    I can not tell how much it has changed my life, finding people who just 'get it'. There are people widowed through every cause you can imagine, so there is always someone who can say, "YES! Me too."


    I would urge you to make contact and, if you feel ready, to join.


    With very kindest regards x

  • Hi this is Hazel  I am  11month post radiotherapy for tonsil cancer with all clear given in January. Mine was h p v 16 + positive and numbers were T2N2NM I have a blog detailing my experience

    pop by give it a read. With it being a blog the most recent post is first so scroll down to see the start. There are also links to other sites 

    hope this helps any questions just ask 



  • HI Raz, 

    I must have been in treatment whilst you were, in the same Hospital and from the same area (I’m from Barnsley but live in Huddersfield).

    I finished treatment end of Nov 18. Dry mouth persists but that xytol (or whatever it’s called) sugar free gum seems to help. Just be careful with Bioextra products as lengthy use can strip the enamel from your teeth. Get the Colgate mouthwash prescribed instead.

    Still having trouble with quite a lot of food but slow cooker is great. Braised beef mash & veg is my favourite. 

    Sometimes have an afternoon nap, but then again I did before getting cancer as I’m my own boss and can do what I like!

    Things slowly improving, hoping they are better 2 years post end of treatment but got a year and  4 months to wait for that.

    Mark x

  • Hi mark 

    my treatment finished the 31 August I saw oncologist  twice in uni September then once October once December pet ct scan  4 jan result s day 14 January. I am under ent and back in January as oncologist wants to see me every January for next 5 years .last Saturday I did a sponsored bike ride for head and neck division raised £1200 do well pleased rode 60 km in pouring rain 

     .yes I agree slow cooked food is the way to go I like no it to food my mum used to cook plain and simple casseroles is the way to go. Ok the mouthwash I have tried the Colgate prescription one too harsh for my mouth I see dentist every 3 months and Shen gives me a good check up will mention the gu,s have receded due to radiotherapy and the dentine atbthe bottom is showing but told all ok so far. 

    I worked in barnsley for 21 years now live on birder south York’s west yorks nearer to pontefefract .small world. 

    I had acupuncture on Wednesday trying to kicknsaliva glands into action also still use xylitol gum water and half an xymelts at night.


    good luck keep in touch H would ask who your dr was but we can’t name names on here


  • Hi Raz,

    Thanks for the update.

    Good tip on the xylitol melts. I hadn’t heard of them but just ordered some. Thanks!

    Well done with the charity activities, that’s great! I wish I had time to do something but at the moment I run my own business and it’s full on, maybe in future I can raise some money. I got the 100% all clear a couple of months ago and told it’s a cancer that doesn’t return. 

    Be good if side effects are minimal after the two years. I can stand that, just hope it’s not going to be like this forever!


    Mark x

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