Tony - has anyone had pembrolizumab immunotherapy?

I have been offered pembrolizumab immunotherapy. Can anyone who has experienced this tell me what  their experience is please

  • Hi Tony.  I’ve just finished 15 rounds of Pembro immunotherapy.  I had minimal side effects, just a little tiredness for a couple of days after treatment.  I did initially have a mild allergic reaction to it so I was prescribed hydrocortisone and steroids as an infusion at the time of treatment, plus slowing infusion of the pembro from 30 mins to 1 hour.  Other than that, all good and nothing major to worry about at all.  Good luck.  Let me know how you get on? 

  • Hi Carol, I haven’t used this chat thing before so I hope I am doing this right.

    many thanks for your reply and comments. I am a little reassured.

    one thing I am still a bit concerned about isdiet.   In the info. i Had from the oncologist it said to avoid fresh fruit and whole meal cereal, both of iwhich I eat a lot of.  I wonder if you had any issues over diet. Any more info. Would be greatly appreciated.

    Regards,  Tony

  • Offline in reply to Tony82

    That's interesting. My partner is coming to the end of his 2 years of pembrolizumab and he was never given this advice. He has had some side effects but the cancer has been held at bay. He has sickness, diarrhea and has developed asthma but he's brad positive so without the medication I doubt he'd be here. Maybe he should have been given that advice as maybe it's to do with how much fibre your body is able to process. Worth asking why they're to be avoided.

  • Offline in reply to Lyns21

    High Lins21;  thanks for your comments. I didn’ t know that my message had even been sent. I’m not very good with the internet and I’m struggling though finding this chatting really quite stimulating.  I will do what you suggest.

  • Hi Kingsbrige, I hope you don't mind me quickly stopping by but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and to make you aware of some handy guides we have that may help you when you're using the forum. 

    I hope you'll find these useful but if you need any further assistance or advice, don't hesitate to get in touch.

    Also, if you have any questions about the immunotherapy you've been offered, you can give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Tony 

    I wasn't advised on any dietary needs for Pembro and just carried on as normal.  Although I had little appetite when I started Pembro as I was having it alongside chemo at the start and hadn't much appetite for anything during that time.  But when I continued Pembro on its own after surgery and chemo, I wasn't advised to change my diet or anything or to avoid certain foods.  Maybe the advice is related to the type of cancer you have?   I don't eat wholemeal cereal, but do eat fresh fruit and didn't have any issues and it certainly wasn't mentioned in any treatment or pre-treatment sessions.  I had breast cancer. If you have any kind of stomach/digestive system cancer then this may be the reason.  I would reach out to your oncologist/oncology team and ask the reasons why if you're not sure. 

  • Hi Carol,  I havelooked at other sites and they don’t all agree. Most seem to suggest the usual low fat, low sugar and more fruit and veg.  I think most of the advice is concerning the reduction of side effects rather than affecting treatment. I was probably reading too much into it so I’ll keep on with,what most people call,a healthy diet. I think I’m getting a bit paranoid over the whole thing. Hopefully I’ll be better once I’ve started on the program. I will see what the oncologists says when I next see them. I’m very grateful for your and other peoples interest. It feels a lot better being able to share concerns with people who have had or having similar experiences

  • Offline in reply to Tony82

    Hi Carol, I seem to inadvertently have 2 names, Tony and Kingsbridge. Not good with tech. stuff. Anyway I am due to start Pembro on 31st Dec. good timing eh. And due at a dinner party that evening. Will let you know how it goes.

  • Offline in reply to Tony82

    I’m due to start pembro tomorrow and I’m terrified.