Contact a Moderator

We are here to help!

If you notice another member posting misleading information, misusing the site or breaking the terms and conditions in any other way, please contact a moderator by using the 'Flag to a moderator’ link under the 'more' tab at the bottom of the post in question, or report a user by clicking the 'Flag to a moderator' button on the member's profile page. You can also email the team directly at

You should expect a response within 1-3 days (it can be sooner). If you report a post, we will usually let you know what action we have taken.

If you want to ask our moderators questions about using Cancer Chat or send us any feedback, please email us at

 Before you email us please take a look at the Forum Help Guides to see if your question is answered there.

The moderators aren't able to answer questions about cancer. 

If your query is about cancer and you are based in the UK, you can call our specialist cancer information nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040 (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) or send the nurses an email.

Please note: Cancer Chat is funded and run by the UK based charity Cancer Research UK. As a UK charity, our services are aimed primarily at a UK based audience. Unfortunately we don't have the resources to answer queries from outside the UK at this time.

Why we moderate

We aim to:

Stop any misleading information being posted. Stop anyone misusing Cancer Chat or breaking the terms and conditions.

This means that sometimes we edit or remove messages, but only if we have a good reason to.

Cancer Chat is your space to talk about cancer and we want to protect your community.

How we moderate

We aim to:

Stop any misleading information being posted. Stop anyone misusing Cancer Chat or breaking the terms and conditions.

This means that sometimes we edit or remove messages, but only if we have a good reason to.

Cancer Chat is your space to talk about cancer and we want to protect your community.