Stage 1b Melanoma

Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed with a stage 1B melanoma, which  was on my upper arm.  I’ve read around the subject, and I have an appointment to see a consultant next week with a view to discussing wider local decision and sentinel node biopsy. I don’t know whether to feel alarmed the speed at which things are happening or reassured that I am “ In the system” and tackling the problem promptly.  At the back of my mind is the thought that they are rushing me through because it’s urgent. Until now, the process has been relatively slow. I went to my local surgery in late June and only received the local excision in October. Four weeks then until the result came through this week.

Is anybody else In a similar situation to me?

  • Great advice, GrannyRose.  I actually joined Zoe Nutrition 2 years ago, and have changed a lot of things about the way I eat.  Radically cut down on Ultra Processed Foods, loads more fibre, and I eat many more nuts, seeds and plant-based meals, although I still eat fish and meat, just not as often. Also lots of fermented foods to help the gut.  Hopefully that has put me in a good place health-wise, although Christmas is always difficult to navigate healthily!

    Thanks also for the website references.  I'll definitely have a good look at those.

    Caroline ️

  • Hi Caroline,

    In the top right corner of your screen you will see a bell icon. That should have a number against it to tell you that there is a notification waiting for you. Click on the bell & you can open the request & click to accept it.

  • Sorry, Angie, I can’t see a bell icon on my screen. I’m not ignoring your request, but I’ll keep trying.  

  • Right, I’ve found the bell icon in the drop-down menu, but it says there are no notifications, so maybe it takes a while to filter through.  

  • Hit "view all" as it sometimes seems to mark things as read when you've only accidentally hovered over it.

  • Tried that and it’s just bringing me back to this thread.

  • Unfortunately, I’m  getting nowhere trying to find your request to me, so I’ve tried to reverse the process by sending a friend request to you. Let’s hope that works!

  • No worries, I've accepted your request & sent you a message x

  • Time has passed and I’m wondering how you are and how you coped with your surgery. My surgery was late June 2024 and today I saw a Lymphoedema physio   My upper leg retains fluid down to my knee but I find that walking has helped.   Anyway, we discussed a compression garment and in fact he was able to give me a pair of cropped pants. Such a laugh getting them on!!  Not easy but eventually managed to pour myself into them. Been on me for 3 or 4 hours now and find them extremely comfortable. Big plus is I look slimmer!!  
    Forgive me, moving on too quickly!  How is your leg?  Please let me know and if I can offer any advice or help you only have to ask. 
    look forward to hearing from you. R

  • Hi Grannyrose.  Lovely to hear from you.

    Sorry to hear that you’re still having trouble with your leg even after all this time. I hope that the compression shorts work.  It can’t be much fun having Lymphoedema for so long.  

    My surgery went very well. The scars on my right arm where the melanoma was and the SLNB scar  are both healing well.  They felt very tender for quite a few weeks but I’ve got a lot of mobility back in my arm now and have just started going back to Pilates classes.  I have found that over the weeks,  because of not moving as much, my shoulders and back have become quite stiff.

    The left leg, where I had a dysplastic naevus Is another story altogether. Although this was also a WLE, it was nothing like as deep as the one on my arm. However, because it’s just above my knee and in such a stretchy place, the stitches gave way after two weeks. I ended up in the local minor injuries unit, where they patched it up with Steri-Strips, and since then I’ve been under the care of the local District Nurses, who immediately removed the strips and insisted that I let it heal itself.    Between us, we’ve tried all sorts of remedies, dressings and ointments, but it’s not healing much and it’s basically still an open wound.  

    Still, the good news is that I saw the consultant 10 days ago, and there is no evidence of spread in either the melanoma site or the 3 lymph nodes they removed.  I know that I can’t afford to relax completely, and that I still have to be really vigilant , but I was so relieved to hear her saying those words.  Putting up with my leg is a minor inconvenience in comparison!

    Thanks once again for getting in touch and the best of luck with your own treatment.