Newly diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

Still in a state of shock but need to choose a treatment option. I really don’t want urinary issues or ED. I would welcome comments from those who have been treated. Thank you. 

  • Hi Freddy,

       welcome aboard, I've been through HDR, RT, and currently on hormones, so far no urinary issues.

      My delightful radiation oncologist stood two feet away from me and told me I'd never have penetrive sex again, so caring and understanding of him, all this in front of my partner, so It's highly likely if you are on horemones that you will have ED issues, but there is help out there.

    I've another 12 months of hormones and I'm determined to prove that insensitive man wrong.

  • Hi Lorrainepop74, age shouldn't be a factor with any cancer treatment, the main criteria are co-morbidities and general fitness, I know many  guys well into their 80s who are on HT, indeed It's rare to be refused it, PS I also know a few guys who have had radiotherapy in their 80s, one of whom had EBRT followed by SBRT 3 years later, best wishes.


  • Thanks so much , really helpful 

  • Hi, I was diagnosed with Metastatic Prostate Cancer almost 2 years ago, been taking daily Enzalutamide and 6 monthly (actually 6x28days) Decapeptyl injection. Yes ED is an issue, but there are things you can do (little blue pills, massage, etc etc look it up) Biggest issue for me is hot flushes, but wife says she put up with them for years  I don't know what the future holds, but then no-one does - you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, I try to live every day to the fullest and so far the treatment is holding PSA at 'too low to measure' and secondary tumours (lymph nodes) have shrunk to 'unmeasurable ' - I'm 73 and plan to live forever (at least until the latest next best research develops a new treatment) Good Luck - good holiday insurance is available and allowing us to travel, so we do, build memories for the family, enjoy life as much as possible. 

  • Absokitely enjoy your travels xx 

  • Thanks Wozzo. That’s really reassuring. Good luck with the rest of your treatment and enjoy your travels! All the best, John