Still in a state of shock but need to choose a treatment option. I really don’t want urinary issues or ED. I would welcome comments from those who have been treated. Thank you.
Still in a state of shock but need to choose a treatment option. I really don’t want urinary issues or ED. I would welcome comments from those who have been treated. Thank you.
Hello JohnnySeven
I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. It's understandable that you will have been feeling shocked and overwhelmed by this news.
We have quite a few members here who have had different treatments for prostate cancer and hopefully, some of them will reply to share their experiences with you. In the meantime, you can read through some of the posts made by using the forum search function to look for the word "prostate".
We do have some information about prostate cancer on our website that may be of help. You might also find it useful to talk through your options and concerns with one of our nurses. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040.
Whatever treatment path you choose JohnnySeven I hope that all proceeds smoothly for you.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
Hello JohnnySeven
Sorry to hear you have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was also diagnosed with prostate cancer in Feb of this year. I have had hormone therapy, and I am currently on chemotherapy, and I am also taking steroid tablets. I have not had any urinary issues although I tend to go to the toilet more than usual. I have just adjusted my diet to ensure that my bowels are empty by the time I go to bed. I drink a lot of lemon water. Urinary issues are probably more complicated with age. I am in my early 50's, but someone in their 70's or 80's might have a tendency to have urinary problems.
Thank you for your reply Adebo. Sorry to hear you are going through this too.
Hi Johnny sorry to hear about your diagnosis I too have recently been diagnosed with Advanced Metastatic prostrate cancer which is widespread in my bones and lymph modes. Started a hormone therapy treatment with degarelix which after initial treatment of two injections is an injection each month which will be a lifetime treatment. Seems to be working for myself PSA down from1953 to 444. Also due to start Enzlutamide tablets and Bisphosphonates for my bones. Only Urinary problems that I have experienced is a tendency now and then to urinate a lot more during the night time. Found a face to face meeting with my Urology Specialist nurse to discuss results of tests and treatment going forward to be very helpful. Initial diagnosis is a shock to the system and can feel overwhelmed with jargon and treatment options.
Hi Freddy, thank you for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate that. It sounds like you’re dealing with quite a bit. My PSA is 10.1 and the cancer is localised to my prostate, although I have a bone scan on Monday that may change that assessment.
Good luck with your treatment going forward and getting your PSA way down. Thanks again.
No problems Johnny my GPs and treatment team have been very good and knowledgeable and the information they have imparted has been a great help. Good luck to you also sir fair winds my friend.
Hi Freddy
My pops is the same as yourself
and being considered for hormone therapy can i ask without being rude how old you are ? is it dependent on age whether your accepted for this
Not a problem Lorraine I'm 63 dont think that the Hormone therapy is age dependant but I'm really not sure . I have literally just started the treatment and very pleased with the results. As I said found a face to face meeting with my Urology specialist nurse to be a great help in getting my head around the jargon and treatment options. My wife and daughters attended the meeting also so if you where to go along with your pops I dont believe that would be a problem with them.
Thank you so much for responding , we have been today my Dad is in general good health but his psa has risen i think to 53 ! he has just had radiotherapy on his spine which has stopped growth there
but age isn’t on his side at 78 so hence my question about age thanks so much for sharing yours just to give me an overview
good luck with everything