Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Pippin,

    I hope that you feel a lot more relieved, now that your first surgery is over. What a pity that the delay meant that you had a different surgeon than you expected, but it's good to hear that you were happy with the replacement too. I am delighted to hear that the plastic surgeon did such a good job too and that you're happy with your nice new, pert breast - here's hoping that they soon improve the droopy one too! 

    You must be delighted to finally have got rid of your catheter and no doubt, you feel better for having a shower? It's good to hear that you already notice a change in your mobility and that your drain should come out before you're discharged - it gives you much more freedom, when it's removed.

    Have you been told when you're likely to get home yet?

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine, they initially told me it would be 5 days stay, but I suppose that could change. I'm really in no rush and would rather the drain comes out first. Still haven't needed to wear a pist op bra, as they're checking flap regularly, to make sure blood vessels have taken. Still.in my sauna room, as they have to keep it hot to encourage blood flow. Can't believe how much I'm sleeping. Hope you are well. Xx

  • Hi all, I can apparently have the drain out today, which is great. Nurse did say I could go home, but I've said I'm not ready. No one's talked to me about exercising,  although I have been doing some. No-one has talked to me about wearing a bra  and what I should pad reconstructed side with.Im not going anywhere until I'm  confident with everything.I haven't even managed to pass a bowel movement yet. I feel like I haven't had enough information to be confident hoing home. Hope everyone is doing OK. Xx

  • Hi Pippin

    So glad to hear your surgery went well and you're healing nicely.  The Breast Cancer Now website has some good information around post surgery bras and also sells them (I bought one after mine and they are so comfortable!).  It's a shame you didn't have our original surgeon, but it sounds like it all worked out well for you.  Quite right about not wanting to go home until you feel comfortable about what you can/cannot do etc.  I'm surprised you didn't have an appointment with a physio prior to surgery - that's what they did with me, but I was only breast conserving surgery so it may be different (and it seems to differ considerably between NHS Trusts too!). 

    Hope you feel well enough and confident enough to get home soon.  Keep recovering well :) 

    Carol xxx

  • Hi Carol, just had the drain out, so feel much more comfortable. I also don't need the heat anymore, which feels wonderful. Hopefully if I get to ask all the questions I want answers to, will get home tomorrow. Will keep you posted. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I am glad to hear that your drain is now out and I hope that you're feeling more comfortable with that out of the way - I had mine on both sides and they had to be aspirated a few times, to get rid of excess fluid build up. It felt really great to see the back of them. You are quite right not to rush home, until you feel ready.

    They usually give you a softie to place in your bra, They may not offer it to you, because you have had reconstruction, but make sure to ask, if you're not given one. I was just given a sheet of exercises and left to get on with them. I saw no sign of a physio after.

    It sounds as if the hospital feel ready to discharge you soon. I hope that you get the chance to ask all of your questions, before you leave. I felt totally exhausted after surgery and have never fully recovered from that.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine, I do have a sheet of exercises that I asked breast nurse for a few weeks ago. I have been doing some of those. Have to be careful though not to overdo it , exercises can vary when reconstruction is involved. They had told me to bring a variety of bra sizes, but no-one hads looked at them yet. Think I'll need normal size for healthy breast, then as you say a softie or something similar. I said to the dr that I don't want to go home yet, as getting plenty of rest, he's happy for me to stay at the moment. I was getting a bit of irritation last night under the plaster. I was a bit concerned, as when I had port fitted, the plaster caused a few issues . He thinks it's iodine and blood irritating it and asked that someone clean it for me. That was a couple of hours ago, but hasn't been done yet. Don't like to bother them as they get so busy. Hope you enjoy your weekend. Xx

  • Hi all, going home today, after having a good chat with the dr this morning. She said after my shower the dressings could be changed, as fluid on bandages was probably causing the irritation. However, when nurse came in she said they were just going to tape over the top. No point doing that,  so have asked them to check with the dr. I was able to have a lovely shower on my own and even managed to wash my hair. The dr also said she would prescribe the anti histamine I've been having trouble getting. She doesn't see a problem as lots of people take them all the time. Feel happy and confident to be going home. Have to come in for a wound check on Tuesday. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I'm glad to hear that you managed a couple more days in hospital, before they turfed you out. I hope that you are managing well at home and that you are not having any further bother with the tape. Many people develop an allergy to certain types of tape. There are specific hypo-allergenic tapes that can be used instead, if this problem persists. You must feel a lot better after having your shower and hair wash - it's amazing how luxurious these everyday tasks seem, when you've not bee able to do them for while.

    You will find it difficult to do some of the exercises for a time after having reconstruction, but do what you can. I hope that you managed to get a prescription for the antibiotics before you left. Did you get a softie before you were discharged, or will you have to wait until you have healed a little more first? Did anyone check your bras before you left hospital, or has that been overlooked? You will probably know yourself what feels best, as soon as you try them on.

    That's another stage of your journey behind you now and I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Jolamine xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Oh my goodness so much to catch up on 

    I’ve been quite unwell with a flu like thing and bizzarly I’m not getting any notifications again 

    so firstly so pleased to hear your surgery has gone well Pippin and you are now home.  I hadn’t realized it was just one side so pleased your recovery seems to be progressing much quicker than I did.  I wasn’t allowed to do exercises at all - still not 3 months on. I’m guessing it is all down to type of surgery and type of reconstruction.   I also couldn’t shower !! Which I hated.  
    keeping everything crossed you continue to make progress every day.  
    so does this mean further surgeries for you now ? That said I’m sure you feel so relieved to have had the cancer removed finally 

    carol / Greeny.  How are you both doing.  Good to hear the port was removed Greeny 

    what lies ahead for you now - I have zoledronic every 6 months for 3 years like you - next one 5 th November 

    im trying hard to find my new normal in life.  It’s a long way off the old me.  I’m experiencing chronic bone pain and neuropathy. My left side ( non cancer side ) is far worse. I have numbness in arm - pain in shoulder and hip and ankles 

    I struggle to walk at all and I just find movement excruciating.  I’m still waiting to see oncologist as breast team said likely impact of medications.  But I want a bone scan to be sure.  
    I did make. Clay boob pot with much help for coppafeel breast cancer.  I made a karate suit and belt with boobs as we are all warriors.  

    anyhows I’ll check here more regular - no idea what’s up with notifications anymore - the little flag doesn’t say there are posts either for some reason 

    xx take care everyone and keep smashing it pippin xx