Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi all, got a call back from BCN this morning. She told me to message macmillan nurses as they work closely with oncologists. I told her that macmillan already told me I can't have it, as the surgeon doesn't like you to have it two weeks either side of surgery. But pharmacist spoke to oncology who said it was fine. She then said to speak to oncologist when they phone me on Monday. Would still like to know what the surgeon would like me to do. I'm sure I'll get correct answer at some point before surgery!!

  • Hi, it's me again, meant to ask earlier about pre-op assessment. I know they'll want to know what meds I'm on, but wondered what other info they might want to know. It says the appointment is 60 minutes long. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Amy Dowden is on BBC1 and yes still available on IPlayer 

    I'd love to say 4 weeks post op you'll be ok but I'd be lying.   With my hysterectomy I was still very sore at this point.  Your be having abdominal surgery too to use your own tissue.  I've been told by my breast surgeon no lifting arms above head and no lifting anything for 8 weeks.  I'm 6 weeks in and only just feeling comfortable now.  Drains were in for first couple of weeks before any healing commenced.  

    Obviously we are all different and heal differently but maybe have a back up plan just in case.  We have tickets to David Gilmore in London 14 th October.  My surgeon told me 3 months for recovery so I have a back up plan for then even.  Just in case 

    I terms of pre op.  I had ECG.  Bloods.  Height. Weight.  Full health questions.  Screening for MRSA.  Shown how to empty and measure drains and fitted for surgical bra so did take at least an hour. 
    hope that helps 

    they asked about past surgeries.  Smoking.  Sleep.  Exercise. Mobility.  Health ailments.  Who is at home and can look after you.   My husband had had to do all cooking and get drinks as not able to lift kettle even.  

    they also took through what will happen on day 

    Have. you had other surgeries ?   I've had 4 surgeries prior to mastectomy. 

    anyhow good luck. You'll be fine 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, thank you so much for such an informative reply. The show we are supposed to be going to is in a theatre near were my daugter lives, so could park right outside. If I can't go, the rest of the family can, so it's not that much of an issue. Will definitely give the Amy Dowden programme a watch. I think the cooking is going to be interesting, hubby hasn't a clue lol! My son is pretty good  but wouldn't expect him to do it all the time, as he works. I can see us having take aways and ready meals for a while! I'll have to make a list of past surgeries, I've had about 7, one being a hysterectomy. I think this will be the hardest stage of treatment for me, but will just have to get through it. Thanks again for all the info, it's really helpful xx

  • Hi everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. The saga of the phesgo injection before surgery  continues. I spoke to chemo unit last week, who agreed with macmillan nurses, who say I can't have it a week before surgery. Had oncology phone call with the registrar this morning, who said it's fine to have it. I explained that I've been told that I shouldn't have it, she said she'll check it out with the consultant, and call when I'm back off holiday. This is starting to make me feel anxious, as I don't want to do the wrong thing. I am going to my pre op assessment this afternoon, so will explain to them how it's making me anxious. If they can't help, I might pop into the breast clinic and ask if I can speak to a BCN. Would be nice to hear how you are all doing. Xx

  • Oh gosh Pippin, how frustrating. It's very strange that youre getting two totally different opinions, i'm not surprised you're feeling a little anxious. when do you go on hols?...and remind me what date your operation is again?

    Really hope the pre op assessment goes ok this afternoon and you get some clarification.

    All ok here thanks. My in laws arrived from Canada yesterday, they are here for 3 weeks!!!...otherwise all good, I have an oncology appt tomorrow, hopefully i can get my port removed soon and book in the CT scan and Dexa scan but otherwise think it's just cracking on with daily pills and monthly injections for the forseeable! But i'm feeling good at the moment..other than a few hot flushes and some night sweats so far all ok.

    Hope you have a fab, fab hols and that things get resolved or  that you at least hvae some peace of mind as far as Phesgo injections go. How often are you supposed to have those?

    Keep us posted..

    how is everyone else doing??


  • Hi Greeny80, off on holiday early  Thursday morning and come back on the 29th, really can't wait to get away. Mentioned at my pre op assessment my anxiety about the phesgo injection. She was great and is going to email surgeons to clarify, which I'm really pleased about. Lovely that you are having family visit from Canada. 3 weeks is a long time, so try not to over do it. Will be good to get your port removed, I've been wondering about this myself. Not sure if they'll leave it, while I'm on zoledronic infusions, although they're only every 6 months. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait for your scans. I finally got results of my ct lung scan, nodules are stable. Pleased that you're feeling good at the moment, although the hot flushes can be a bit of a nuisance. Phesgo injections are every 3 weeks, had it delivered today and hubby doing it for me tomorrow. .This will be the first one at home. Have a great time with your family when they visit. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't had a conclusive answer to the Phesgo injection quandry. I see that you are off on holiday on Thursday, so hope that the registrar can clarify this for you - what a pity that she couldn't give you a definitive reply, before you go away. Did you pop into the breast clinic this afternoon to ask the BCN?

    I am delighted to hear that your CT results were favourable and I hope that you have a wonderful holiday - you certainly deserve it, after all that you've been through!

    Jolamine xx

  • HI Greeny,

    It's great to hear that you are doing ok at present. I hope that you enjoy your in-law's visit. Just be careful not to overdo things. You've got the ideal excuse for eating out more and taking things a little easier than usual.

    Jolamine xx

  • Sorry Pippin,

    I missed this. I am chuntering along as usual thanks. Getting less mobile day by day, but just have to put up with that.

    Jolamine xx