Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Just noticed you asked about the port. They used it at my last chemo and it all worked well. Just wished they'd have put it in sooner, as had two chemo put through a canula. I do have a bruised feeling along a vein in my arm where first two chemo went. Not sure if this would gave caused this feeling or if anyone else has experienced this. Went to the nurse today as my stitches hadn't dissolved and she trimmed them for me. Asked her about the arm but she wasn't sure. She did say I'm down to receive a call from gp on Friday to see how I'm doing, so will ask her about it. Xx

  • Might be common mate, picc line arm felt like that for the first couple of goes, probably milder then a port I would image though. 

  • Hi Carol, just wondered how you are doing after your surgery on the 24th. Hope you are feeling OK. Xx

  • Hi everyone, 

    Sorry have been quiet over the last few days....i had my Dad and then my brother over to stay so have been busy! it's been so lovely but hosting is hard work sometimes!!!..But no, it was really lovely to spend time with them both.We recently moved house so was lovely for my brother to see where we live!

    I just wanted to check in to see how you all are? Hope youre doing ok.

    I've got my next round on Tuesday. A friend is going to take me and then drop me home again as my husband is away in America until Friday. Hoping i'll be feeling ok until the weekend...I'm usually ok a few days after chemo as so pumped full of steroids so hoping it will be similar this time around too.

    Pippin - hope the scan goes ok today. I think you have one today?

    Have a lovely weekend everyone and if you're not feeling great i hope you can rest up and be looked after. 

    Take care xx xx

  • Hi Greeny80, so pleased you had a lovely time with your family. It's good that you have a friend to take you to your treatment on Tuesday, hope all goes well for you. All went well with my scan, just the waiting now for the results. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Hi Greeny80, thinking of you today having your treatment, let me know how it goes. Hope you have plenty of support, with your husband being away  xx

  • Ah thanks Pippin! It's actually tomorrow....started taking my steroids today...i'm been so productive!!... run, walk, 3 loads of washing, weekly food shop, changed duvets etc! the steroids have clearly kicked in!!!!!!

    I've got a friend taking me and picking me up tomorrow and other friends are scooping kids up from school and i'm dropping my dog to a dog sitter for tomorrow so i'm not worrying about leaving her for hours! SO i think i've got the logistics covered. My husband is feeling really guilty for not being here but i told him he had to go...and last time i was absoluteliy fine until the weekend so hoping the same again this time around..he's back early Friday morning! 

    Felt very meh first thing this morning though, i'm not eating particularly healthily and obviously not doing as much exercise as i usually do, my hair is coming out quite a lot, seem to be putting on a little weight, nothing huge but just feel a bit bleuh!...i'm usually so health conscious so it's hard to see my fitness dwindling and weight creeping up....but that said after a run with some friends and putting the world to rights i feel a lot better and more positive and ready to go again for round 3! Half way!!!! Yay!

    How are you doing? Hope you're ok. I can't remember when your next round is? The next one is Docetaxol isn't it? Hope you're ok!


  • Hi Madhatter, just checking in. How is the leg pain? Hope it has eased a little...when is your next round? Hope you're doing ok...Sending hugs xx

  • How are you doing NGS? Have you started the Docetaxol now? Hope you're doing ok on it....xx

  • Sorry, I was thinking today was Tuesday for some reason. Sound like you have everything under control, ready for tomorrow. Wow, you have got loads done today. I try to do that just before a treatment, so I can rest the week after. My weight has slowly gone up, keep thinking I deserve a treat! I've been a target member of slimming world for 8 years now, so will have to watch myself a bit. Sorry to hear that you are losing your hair, will you continue to use the cold cap? Good yo hear you managed to get out for a run with friends, it's certainly good for the mindset. I feel a bit anxious at the moment, waiting for results of ct scan on my lungs. Went to visit my mum and dad today, so that was a nice distraction. Have my breast scan tomorrow and I'm hoping there has been some improvement, after three chemo cycles. Have my first cycle of docetaxel on the 7th May, along with Herceptin injection. I have to say I am feeling really apprehensive about the new treatment. Hope all goedwell tomorrow. Xx