Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Also great news that the medication the doctor pescribed for your hot flushes seems to be working! Amazing! Long may that last! xx

  • Hi everyone.  Third round of EC completed.  Been an emotional rollercoaster this week.  I had felt so good the fees days before I became really overwhelmed Tuesday before treatment knowing it would knock me for six again.  But I’ve picked myself up now thankfully. Back on injections - day 3 today. It’s this bit that I dread most 

    I am worried about the neuropathy on docetaxel.  What are the herceptin injections for ? I don’t think I’m having this - it’s not been mentioned.  My steroids have increased though pre starting docetaxel   Once my chemo ends I will have zometa bone therapy as well 


  • Good to hear you are doing well Greeny. Lovely to have your mum visiting and to be getting out in the garden and to spend time with friends 

    hopefully the next week remains an easier one for you with increased energy before the next round and another ticked off 


  • Feeling good this morning and managed to get out for our walk before the rain started. With regards to cold therapy, I've now found feet ones which you can purchase extra inserts for, which is good. I just want to get some information from a friend's niece, who's an oncologist regarding using the cold therapy. Will then decide what to do. Enjoy your pilates class, I've always fancied trying yoga. Will be lovely to go for a walk with your friend, I think walking is good for your mindset. Certainly helps me to stay positive. It's quite promising that flushes are a bit improved, hopefully that will continue as time goes on, we shall see. Xx

  • Hi NGS, I can understand the anxiety before starting each cycle, especially when getting difficult side effects. Pleased to hear that you've managed to pick yourself up and you sound more positive. I think the Herceptin is due to me being HER2 positive, as far as I can remember. I too am worried about the docetaxel and neuropathy. I've been fine on EC, but who knows with this next one, will just have to wait and see. Started my week of injections last night, mine start later than yours for some reason. My next cycle is on Tuesday 7th May due to the bank holiday, so probably the same day as you. I've also been told to start the steroids the day before next treatment and they've also been increased. Worried this might make constipation a bit more of a problem. Hope you manage to enjoy your weekend. Xx

  • Well done for getting to round 3. It's tough, mentally and physically....and i totally get it....it's really hard when you feel good and vaguely normal for a few days beforehand knowing that they're going to knock you down again...it is hard to get yourself into the right mindset for it....but evey knock is one knock closer to the end.

    What side effects are you finding the hardest? I hate the injections too, i think it's those which make me feel the worst..the aches, feeling weak and then the bone pain...i also had upset tummy for a few days after as well just to add insult to injury! So far it's all manageable but id be lying if i didn't say my body feels a little beaten up...feeling good today and energy levels are back to normal though but have super dry/cracked lips..taste getting better but still not quite there..but its tough knowing that i have to do it all again..and again...and again!!..but 2 down, 4 to go and it will be over soon! 

    So far i haven't got any neuropathy with the Docetaxol, i know it's early days but hopefully a good sign??..i take the extra steroids like you the day before, during and then day after...the two days after i felt pretty good..i was super productive...but the weekend i definiteky took a turn which co-incided with the jabs! I was still up and about and doing things but definitely felt below par. i don't think i have the herceptin injections either just the Filgastim ones..how many days do you have those for? Mine are for 5 days...what date is your Docetaxol? how many rounds of Docetaxol are you having? 3? Assume every 3 weeks?

    Hope you're doing ok - hope you can have a relaxing weekend and that you don't feel too awful...we're here if you need to vent!!


  • Hi everyone 

    how is everyone feeling / doing ? 
    I have literally hit a wall post treatment this cycle. My energy has depleted and is at zero and it is taking me much longer to recover this time

    bone pain has kicked in again so strong pain medication is also wiping me out

    to top it all I am also experiencing mouth ulcers which not had before

    all in all feeling pretty rubbish

    praying as the week goes on things improve so I can get some respite before cycle 4 and a new regime with docatexal

    hope everyone else doing well xx  

  • Hi NGS

    I'm so sorry to hear you're having a rough time.  Re the mouth ulcers, I drank green tea throughout most of my treatment and found this really helped with a sore mouth and ulcers.  It's not the best tasting, but if you can stomach one a day, it really does help. 

    So sorry to hear about the bone pain too, hope the pain meds help :( 

    Do you start Docetaxel on your next treatment or do you have one more EC?  As you've had such a rough time on EC, hopefully the Docetaxel will agree with you more.  Just be kind to yourself and rest and listen to your body.  Also speak to your clinicians about the mouth ulcers, they will be able to give you something for them.  It's a common side effect, so they will know how to help. 

    Take care of yourself.

    Carol x 

  • Hi NGS, sorry hear you're feeling rubbish at the moment, hope things start to improve. I too hit a bit of a wall on Saturday; with extreme tiredness. I went out for my morning walk, but slept on and off all afternoon, evening and still slept during the night. Did feel much better on Sunday and managed to fit some cleaning in. I've got my ct scan on my lungs on Friday to check nodules, previously found. Also ct scan on boob next week, to check if chemo is doing it's job. I'm starting to feel a bit apprehensive about starting the docetaxel and Herceptin next time, I suppose because I don't know how I might react to this chemo. Hope you start to feel better before next cycle and get a bit of respite from the side effects. Xx

  • Oh i'm so sorry you've hit a wall...it's so hard isn't it? Every time you start to feel better you go in for the next round and your body gets a beating again. I found the worst days have been the Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon after my Tuesday chemo and i'm sure it's also to do with the injections wiping me out....how many more days on injections have you got? I think they make me feel super tired, weak and then add in the bone pain! Horrid....but it will pass! Hang on in there...hopefully once you've stopped the injections the side effects will lessen...

    Also re mouth ulcers i was given Difflam mouthwash which is really good and they also gave me some other pills which you dilute in water and gargle, they're called Bethamethasone....might be worth asking your oncologist if they can pescribe something for you? I had ulcers with EC and have used the difflam daily with the TC as my mouth has been pretty bad, with taste and generally horrid feeling in my mouth, ulcers etc and the difflam has definitely helped. Good to know about the Green tea too Carol! Thanks for the tip!

    As Carol also says i'm sure you'll find Docetaxol a breeze after EC. So many people say it's easier to tolerate after EC so i'm really hoping this is the case with you...so hang on in there with this one and really hope your next 3 rounds you have a slightly easier ride!

    You will get better so hang on in there!! Sending lots of love and strength..we're all here with you!

    Pippin - Sorry you had a slightly tricky weekend, glad you managed to rest a little but also get out for some fresh air. Totally understand that you are worried about scans and the Docetaxol. It's always so hard when you have a test or something coming up...hope the week goes quickly so you can get the scan under your belt and I'm keeping everything crossed for you that both scans are good news and also that you have mild side effects with the Docetaxol. 

    Take care ladies - we've got this!
