Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • So glad everything went well for you,  take things easy and I hope you continue to feel well xx

  • Hi Greeny80, so far so good with the first treatment, no sickness at the moment.  Glad to hear you have already got through your surgery. I had hoped to do that first myself, but they wanted to do chemo first for me. I was offered cold cap treatment but decided against it, as I'm already prone to headaches. I also feel the cold and thought the cold cap would make the treatment sessions too much for me to cope with. I'm all set with my wig and some nice hats, hopefully hair will grow back quickly after treatment finishes. I have bought a product called ploybalm to help reduce nail damage  it was recommended to me by someone on this site. I've researched it a bit and think it's worth a try. Apparently Docetaxel can be harsh on the nails, so I've already started using it to hopefully strengthen them up now. Hope all goes well with your oncology appointment today, let me know how it goes. Xx

  • Thank you, please let me know how you get on this week. Xx

  • Awww thanks for the update hun, so glad you are feeling OK and keeping fingers and toes crossed this carries on for you x 

  • Thank you. Went for a lovely 40 minute walk with hubby. Had a snooze after lunch. Just prepped dinner and now chilling watching telly. When is your mri appointment?

  • That was last Tuesday hun, but haven't heard anything back. I am with Oncology Friday morning. I have noticed on my NHS app that I am on the waiting list for geriatric medicine but have no clue what that is about. I am only 40 . Sound like a lovely chilled out day hun. I recommend the Jury on channel 4 if you haven't seen it yet 

  • Hopefully you'll find out a bit more info on Friday. Not heard of geriatric medicine, that will be a question to ask. Will have to have a look at the Jury, always need good recommendations. Let me know how Friday goes. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    Well, hat's the first session over and you're on your way. I am glad to hear that you coped ok today and that you didn't have any nausea. Let's hope that this sets the pattern for the rest!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks so much for the ploybalm intel will take a look! I’m due to start chemo on the 19th!…so I’m not far behind you!!

     So glad to hear your first round went ok..Hope you’re feeling ok today too and that you can breeze through it! Keep us posted!

    going to get my hair chopped this week and look at some wigs - all feels very surreal!! Xx

  • Hi ladies, I had posted previously but my cancer was more advanced than they first thought so i am now joining the chemo train. I saw my oncologist for the first time yesterday, he said there's about a 4 week wait so i expect I'll be April now. I need 4 x EC and 4 x Taxel (?), and then a whole host of other things after that including more surgery, radio and tablets and infusions. Hope you are all ok x

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