My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Hazel yes will be busy but all worth it when I go away for the week. Definitely need the break.  Yes hope my sister will keep doing well and be done with it soon. Take care -Diane xx

  • Hi Jules yes glad my sister is doing well with the drug hope it stays that way. Yes I am keeping my self busy but really want to relax now so looking forward to this holiday so I don't need to do anything but sit by the pool with a drink. I prefer to get the clothes ironed anyways as it looks better when unpacking. Hope your well dear -Diane x

  • Hi Diane

    Not long to go now and you will be relaxing poolside.  Hope the weather holds good for you out there and you can enjoy the surroundings and some valuable family time.  Bit damp here this morning but am off to work soon.

    Spent a couple of hours with my daughter  yesterday evening and have  my new fitness app set up now as well as getting the hang of loading new apps onto my tablet. She was also able to update me regarding her talk with her neurogist who had been waiting for results of her latest EEG. Once again the test was not fully conclusive but they are erring on the side of caution and planning to get her started on a low dosage medication which should keep her occasional fainting fits at bay.  There is not enough evidence to suggest epilepsy, just that she could be susceptible due to stress (looking at the history of past 'faints').  She will have  check ups to follow her progress whilst on medication.  Thankfully in general she is well and a very busy Mum to the two boys.

    Take care and hope your sister's treatment continues to go well.  Jules x

  • Thanks Mandy.  I must say I am very pleased with the overall kitchen project and hopefully by the end of this month the ground floor will be completely redecorated.  As I have my sister in law staying next week for a few days the decorator will have a break before returning to finish off.  Then I will have the exciting task of choosing carpet and returning to some kind of normality.

    Hope you and the family were able to enjoy the good weather in your 'new' garden layout over the weekend.My break to Bournemouth went ok and I have a curry booked for tomorrow evening which I will look forward to.  Take care  Jules x

  • Good morning Jules,

    Have not done any woodturning apart from a small session where everyhing went wrong so I soon packed up and came back indoors. Somedays I can do things Ive never done before and it all works well but there are other days when the only thing to do is give up  for the day, which I dont like doing but I have learnt over the years its the best way in the end.

    So pleased you had a good time at the weekend and that the weather was kind. Loving your pictures by the way. My son was at Bourmouth two weeks ago for a wedding (his wifes brother) I was talking on the phone to him the other evening when my grandson asked who he was talking to. When he found out it was me he grabbed the phone from his dads hand and spoke to me for about 15 miniutes non stop. I couldnt get a word in ha ha. To think the specialist told my son and daughter in law he would never speak just a few years ago. If only he could hear him now. He loves winding me and his dad up and making us both laugh and he once again repeated thats why he was born like he is so as to make people laugh, bless him.

    I watched the program about David Attenbourogh at the weekend and what an amazing man and life he has led. He is my favorite wild life presenter and I had to laugh when they said theres one place he hasnt yet visited; the International Space Station but I wouldnt put it past him to try.

    Mrs B should have loads of strawberries if the flowers on the plants are anything to go by. I have never seen so many. She is not complaining I can tell you. Just going to take to her to the chemist to get her latest batch of medication.

    Hope work is not too hard today and one thing, the weekend is almost here again.Sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way Brian.

  • Hi Jules,

    The rain and wind of the last couple of days have brought down a lot of the blossom from our Cherry tree in our front garden. See pictures. I knew we had had some rain during the night but was surprised to hear on the radio we've had an inch or so. Have got our woodclub meeting tonight and am taking along my latest draughts set to show them. I still need to get the middle pimple a little more accurate but have got an idea which should give me spot on accuracy for this. I have now also got the 2 inch wide velcro tape which I have used on my new sanding gadget that I told you about. This makes changing ths abrasive pads a piece of cake. It was only £1.27 for a meter lenght so a very good buy.

    Looking like rain again at the moment. Will chat again soon, best wishes, Brian.


  • Hi Brian

    What a beautiful carpet of blossom from your tree.  Always a shame when the wind/rain forces it off the branches early.  Most of my Spring blossoming plants are past their best now so will be waitng for Summer colour now. Lovely again today and am just waiting for a friend to arrive.  We are going out for a curry later whilst her husband attends a meeting at his Lodge.

    The decorator has finished for this week and I have a few days of normality as my sister in law in due to visit next week.  He will return to finish the painting after she leaves. He has taken his gear and put all the furniture back so does not look too bad now (the layout for the furniture is temporary but at least we can sit down without dust sheets ha ha.

    Hope you next wood turning session leaves you feeling more satisfied.  Think we all have days where things do not go right and it pays to leave well alone for a bit.

    Was a busy couple of days a work and then today (for the second time) our lift broke down so neither staff nor customers very amused!!

    Hope all is well with you, Mrs B and the family.  I know your young grandson will be more than happy at keeping everyone amused at his comments. He is a little treasure as I am sure your other grandchildren are.How is  your grandaughter's archery going, well  I hope.

    I have been watching the Invictus Games and am in awe of the performances.  My Dad was a disabled war veteran (lost a leg whilst fighting in IItaly) and would have been amazed at what these athletes achieve.

    Hope you have a peaceful evening.  Jules x


  • Hi Jules, me again - can't stop now I'm back! 

    Just to say I bet running up and down the stairs at work has got rid of some of the pounds you put on at the weekend, so there's always a silver lining!  

    Take care, Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel

    Yes plenty of up and down stairs but just eat more  ha ha!  Had a lovely meal out with my friend last night and then light lunch with my daughter and grandson today.  Will make up for this with healthy meal tonight and then hopefully get a brisk walk in before bed.  Got to up the exercise to be fit for  Race for Life next month! (cannot have my 7yr old grandson showing me up!!!). Off to the kitchen to prepare asparagus (wont take long!) to go with my fish fillet. Have a peaceful evening.  Jules x