My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Sue,

    Am posting a picture on this thread as I do not think I can do it on the PM thread.  Will reply there later.

    Am pleased with the finished look (you can only see the extractor when the overhead cuboard is open (and have gained a couple of little 'rack shelves' I was not expecting!!).  Chat soon.  Jules x P.s it would appear that I am reflected in the splash-back - oops!!!

  • Aha, we can NEARLY see what you look like! 

    Love Hazel xx

  • Hi all hope everyone is well I feel quite distant from the chat lately just always doing something I think being a pensioner it's good to still have lots to do I don't like to get to bored. Got a letter through and it was the hospital telling me when my full body MRI scan is its June 1st so not to long. I think they want to make sure there's definitely nothing came back anywhere is my body which is what I want. Next week I will be really busy because I will iron all my holiday clothes so there ready for packing. Also have appointments for my eyebrows and hair got to look good don't we haha. And dance around the house with the Hoover and cloths so no dust collects during the hole week my house is a nightmare for it. My sister is doing well chemo didn't effect her to much which is always a bonus so happy about that. Take care all -Diane xx

  • Would not want to break the camera with a 'selfie' ha ha.  Jules xx

  • Hi Jules, the extractor is very neat isn't it and I love the splashback. Good to almost see you as well !

    Hazel, hope you are doing ok and Diane, good luck with all that ironing I love the idea of you dancing round the house with the hoover, look out Strictly!

    Take care all,  Sue xx

  • Hi Diane

    Glad all well with you and to hear that  your sister is coping well so far - a big plus where chemo is concerned.

    Sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy and in case we do not chat beforehand hope you have a wonderful holiday and get some rest whilst you are away with the family. Am sure you will not need too many clothes as will spend most of the time in swimming togs (that will be my plan too come August) - at least they do not need to see an iron!.  Take care and sending hugs.  Jules  

  • Hello Diane, busy, busy for the next week or so then, just for a change, haha!  Glad you are okay, and pleased for your sister too, hope she continues to be okay with the chemo.  

    Enjoy your evening, Hazel xx

  • NO - don't break the camera, we need you to take lots of lovely photos over the weekend!  

    Hazel xx

  • Thanks Sue, feeling a bit more settled today, bought some plants which cheered me up!   Hope you are doing okay yourself, take care, Hazel xx

  • Hi sue I hate ironing but has to be done doesn't it !! I watch strictly every year and would jump at the chance of getting on it if the opened it to the general public ha ha. Hope your well dear -Diane xx