I am now 72 (2016) and was diagnosed with high grade serous ovarian cancer in 2012, followed by chemo x 2, full hysterectomy plus removal of omentum etc, then further 4 chemos. I was in remission until May 2015 when I was found to have a recurrence. PET scan showed it was only in one place, where the original main tumour had been, and this time attached to outer bowel. At the end of July 2015 I underwent a second op to remove tumour and part of bowel, with bowel resection - fortunately did not need colostomy. Am now undergoing another course of 6 chemos, at 4-weekly intervals, my final session (I hope!) will be on 4th March 2016.
I also had breast ca in 1997, for which I had a lumpectomy plus removal of some lymph glands under my arm, followed by 6 chemos and 5 weeks of daily radiotherapy. My ovarian ca was found to be a new cancer, not a met of the breast.
27/04/16 and 20/06/16, visited Genetics Clinic and found to have BRCA1 gene alteration, which accounts for my contracting breast ca and ovarian ca separately over the years. This info may help my oncology team to offer future treatment (if necessary!) should chemo not be adequate.
2/11/21 following a CT scan, informed that I now have tumours in right lung and liver. Awaiting liver biopsy 17/11/21.
Informed that lung tumour is a new primary and liver is a met of that. Awaiting appointment with lung team.
Pre-assessment and chemo 1 booked for Tues, 14/12/21