Today the hospice nurse visited!

It was with mixed emotions that I saw the hospice nurse today.  

As I live alone I have decided that I will end my daysin the local hospice and the wonderful nurse was so helpful.  She will be coming back next week and has given me homework - put my affairs in order by the time she comes again.  She is organising prescriptions for all the things I now have to buy myself, a wrist alarm in case I need help, visits to complementary therapies at the hospice and attendace allowance.  She said I can go to their daily get togethers where they do art classes etc with lunch.  She put my mind at rest with the pain relief saying that if it gets too bad they will take me in for a week and sort me out.

I just have to say how relieved I am, and can now stop crying wondering what was going to happen to me.

  • My dear Pauline, I am so, so sorry that you have to go through all this.  I hope you are not on your own at home, you need to be looked after, not struggling alone, and Monday seems a long way off.  If you still feel so bad, why not phone the hospital or hospice now?  I am so worried about you, especially as I know from experience how groggy and confused morphine can make you. 

    God bless, hugs and love, Hazel xxx




  • Hi Pauline.

    Keeping you in my thoughts.  Really sorry that you caught the virus whilst in hospital and can imagine that you feel pretty low right now.  When hubby was on various morphine medications there were a few different side effects and he was 'switched' several times to try and alleviate them.  As Hazel has said I really hope you are not home alone as you should be having care to manage your symptoms.  Try and give the hospice a ring as they are available 24/7 and should be able to arrange a visit asap(or have you in for monitoring) - waiting till Monday I  feel is too long when you feel confused and unable to function properly. I know it varies from area to area bu hubby had community nurses four times a time to keep an eye on him  (he did not want hospice care) and I had a phone number to ring whenever I was concerned (though he never wanted me to bother them!!)  I hope you see someone soon. Sending hugs as this very difficult time.  Jules xxx 

  • Hello Pauline, my love, how are you today?  A bit better I hope, but if not please call somebody - I just wish I could be there for you!  

    Love Hazel xx

  • Hello Hazel and everyone with your lovely comments and help, yes I am alone because the hospital wont tell me what the virus was so I cant have people in the house just in case it is c-Dif.    I have been spending most of my time in bed asleep with the help of morphine to take away the pain.  I am speaking with the hospice nurse tomorrow to see where I go from here.  My family have been bringing in food, which I really cant eat, but I am so grateful to them for.  Each day I think I will be able to walk or stand easier but no such luck. Well, I must stop moaning, there are too many out there with worse things to bare.  Love to you all.

  • Maybe there are, but not many I think, Pauline.  I am glad that your family are able to see you and keep an eye on you at least, even if you cannot tolerate any food they bring.  I pray that the nurse comes early tomorrow so some action can be taken - meanwhile please, please be careful when you try to stand/walk, especially when using the toilet as no doubt you have to if it's C/Diff or something similar.  

    Sending my love, God bless, keeping you in my thoughts.

    Hazel xx




  • Hi Pauline,

    Hope the nurse can help you tomorrow and whilst there might be other going through hell you are still enormously brave and ever thoughtful of others despite your own predicament just now.  Glad the family can pop round even if you cannot manage the food they bring.  Don't hold back on how you are feeling when the nurse comes as I am sure there will be a way they can help. 'Isolation' is all very well, because of the rotten bug you have caught, but you can and should still be able to access medical assistance. My thoughts are with you lovely lady.  Hugs, Jules xx

  • Dearest Pauline, 

    You are certainly not moaning so stop that thought now! I can only echo the concern that the others have posted. I'm so sorry you're alone, but glad your family are supporting you with food. 

    I've not been on the forum lately, but still think about everyone each day, and their daily struggles! 

    Pauline, you are such a strong, inspirational woman. I'm sending lots of love and massive hugs through the airwaves. Keep posting sweetheart and let us know how you're doing. 

    Take care, much love, Jo xxx

  • What helps?  I suffer terrible constipation which hurts so much.  Whilst in hospital they gave me 6 enemas, none of which worked, with senakot, laxeido etc. The pain makes me sick.How is your pain, Jo, I think you spent some time in a hospice getting control of it, didnt you?  I shall ask the nurse and really hope she has some answers.  x

  • Hi Pauline4

    We have some information here on constipation which may be helpful to you.

    Do post in our Ask The Nurses section too if you would like our team to give you any advice at any time.

    Thinking of you,

    Best wishes


  • So sorry for your pain, Pauline, I only hope Jo or the nurse have an answer for you.

    God bless, thinking of you all the time. 

    Hazel xxx