Today the hospice nurse visited!

It was with mixed emotions that I saw the hospice nurse today.  

As I live alone I have decided that I will end my daysin the local hospice and the wonderful nurse was so helpful.  She will be coming back next week and has given me homework - put my affairs in order by the time she comes again.  She is organising prescriptions for all the things I now have to buy myself, a wrist alarm in case I need help, visits to complementary therapies at the hospice and attendace allowance.  She said I can go to their daily get togethers where they do art classes etc with lunch.  She put my mind at rest with the pain relief saying that if it gets too bad they will take me in for a week and sort me out.

I just have to say how relieved I am, and can now stop crying wondering what was going to happen to me.

  • That made me laugh out loud,  Graham, and when I eventually go in, I shall take that thought with me to make me smile.  :-))

  • Hi Pauline, 

    I just wanted to add my love amd support to,your thread. 

    I have just had a two week stay in my local hospice as my pain relief regime had got out of control. 

    It sounds as if your hospice offers similar things to the one I stayed in (maybe they all do?) I was offered therapies, spa treatments, pastoral care, practical help etc amd the food was phenomenal - even for a lass with a small appetite! 

    An emotional post for your forum friends to read, Pauline, but you are loved  and supported on here - plus we've got Graham with a plan for a break out if you don't keep in touch. 

    Sending love and hugs, Jo xx



  • Hi, Jo, how is your pain now?  I know some of your cancer is the same as mine so I suspect some of the pain will be similar.  It isn't good that we have this awful disease but it is comforting to travel the journey, albeit at a different pace, with others, whilst we have people like Graham keeping an eye on us.  When I was much younger I used to have a t shirt that had the slogan 'Butlins escape committee' on it.   Perhaps we could have something similar!

  • Hi Pauline I'm new to this site but for sure their are wonderful people on here,I can't say much but their are people that really care even myself, I know what it's like to have monster I just keep praying that someday it will be a cure. You are in my thoughts sending love straight out of Texas  to you.  Roz

  • Hi Pauline,

    I am thinking of you and sending warm hugs your way. X

  • Hi Pauline, 

    Really sorry I didn't get back to you after you'd kindly posted! 

    My new pain relief programme seems to be going ok - drowsiness is preferable to pain and I think the radiotherapy I had has reduced the bone pain I'd been experiencing. 

    Anyway, enough of me! How are you getting on? 

    Sending a big hug, Jo xxx

  • Hi Pauline,

    My thoughts are with you! X

  • Hi Pauline,

    I hope that all is okay – thinking of you. X

  • Hi, thanks for all your kind messages.  I have just come out of hospital for the second time, having spent 5 of the last 6 weeks there.  On the day I was supposed to leave a patient on our 4 bedded bay got a terrible vomiting and diarrheoa virus and the rest of us werent allowed to leave the bay for 18 hours.  Using the same toilet etc with our door shut to us and incomers.  I was sent home the next day and quickle discovered I had the virus too..

    It has been a bit traumatic as the different antibiotics given got stronger and now my legs are numb and I am unable to function or eat.  My whole body shakes continuously too.  Am seeing hospice nurse on Monday but I feel that things are quickly going downhill for me now.    I have been given a great deal of morohinein all its forms, slow release, Oromorph etc etc which keeps me asleep the majority of time.

    Is this howit is supposed to be - I feel so confused!I

  • What a brave wonderful lady you are.

    Sending love and very best wishes to you.  xxxx