About to become homeless

Hi there , so after my previous post I have decided to end things with my partner . He doesn’t make me happy , hasn’t for years . Makes me question everything I do and criticises me at every opportunity. Now I’m going through cancer and treatment for cancer and how he has been been me during this time has made me re-evaluate everything and i told him I don’t want to be with him anymore . Thing is I live in his home and he wants me out . We have 3 children together and the boys have decided they want to stay with there dad , my daughter isn’t sure . That thought alone is breaking my heart but I can’t do this no more , had 6 weeks of silent treatment from him I cannot and won’t take anymore . He tells me I havnt even got a teaspoon to my name and I have no savings so essentially I’m going to be homeless . What do I do ? I don’t want to go into a hostel but is that my only option?Will I end up on the streets and if so will I have to stop my treatment because I don’t have a car or anything . I feel so stupid I gave up everything for that man , my career, my friends , myself . He knows I have nothing and he loves that fact . Please help with some advice because it’s making me feel so stressed 

  • You have so much to offer your kids, you’ve made the most brave decision to take this step. No person on this earth should make you feel suicidal, let alone someone who claims to love you. This is a reflection on him and not you. Stay strong and get your ducks in a row. Everyone is here for you keep your head high. He certainly won’t be able to work, run a house, provide childcare and replace you immediately. I promise it’s hard now but you will look back at this as the best decision of yours and your children’s lives. Keep us updated how you get on I hope you’re ok xx

  • Thank you , I will make the calls tomorrow and try and make an appointment with my council . I will keep you updated on what they say . I’m not ok but now I’ve told him it’s over I’m not going to let him see me shed one more tear in front of him . He actually put me in hospital last year for 7 weeks he made me feel that suicidal that I tried to end it but I’m still here and this time I won’t let him do that to me xx

  • If you've brought the kids up, he's in for a helluva shock if he thinks everything is his.

    My dad tried to do this to my mum over 30 years ago. She left with nothing, and everything was in his name. Back then too, women were expected to stay at home, whilst the guys were usually the bread winners. Well, the courts take your years of sacrificing a salary and career as to bring up kids into account when deciding who is legally entitled to what. The fact you're married also works in your favour, though that too isn't the dealbreaker it used to be.

    My mum got half of everything and my dad had to pay maintenance for his 3 kids (well, 2 as my sister had just turned 18). Won't be a walk in the park and won't happen overnight, but you shouldn't be totally left high and dry.

  • Hi Myboomie , I hope you are well? Just wanted you to know I’ve posted an update on everything that’s going on xx

  • Laura I’m actually very proud of you, well done for finding your inner strength to stand up and say no more. It made me quite emotional reading your update, what lovely supportive parents you have. I’m here for a chat anytime, I went through something similar a few years ago although he left in the end when he moved in with his side peice so I got the house etc so very different circumstances. These next few weeks are going to be tough, but you will be so much happier as will your children. I’ve sent you a request so we can private message. You sound like a lovely person, I’m so sorry he’s ground you down all these years but I’m grateful you know your worth. The only way is up. Big hugs xxx

  • Morning Myboomie, 

    I’m sorry you went through a bad time with your ex I’m glad you got out of that situation. 

    I’ve accepted your friend request , thank you for being so kind xx