Really Bad News !

Had really bad news today.  I have extensive spread in nodes and the cancer has also metastasized to my brain. Gosh this is scary - hubby and I are numb! X

  • Dear max My heart sank when I read the title to this thread. I am so sad to hear that you now have another battle to face and I am sending you positive vibes. With love Debbie X
  • Dear Max, I will be thinking of you today and hope the specialist can assist. Bigs hugs across the miles. Love Kathy xx
  • Hi Max, you have been on my mind constantly ever since I heard your latest news. I wish there was something I could say, but words fail me right now. Just know that I am thinking about you and I look forward to hearing what the next step is for you on this journey. I see that you are seeing the specialist tomorrow. I will watch for your post after that, and hope that something can be done to alleviate some of what you are experiencing. Virtual hugs are around you my friend.


  • Dear Max , I,m thinking of you and your family today and keep you in my thoughts for your hospital visit today. Much love and virtual hugs to all x Tonic

  • Oh Max = I missed this thread 'cos I was scared to read it. God bless you and yor family = lets hope the onc. can get it sorted  for your sakes. Anne and I send you all or fondest wishes and prayers xxx

  • Max ,

    I have only just read your news this evening and I am so sorry to hear this news. 

    It must take some time for you and your family to take this in. I hope you manage to get the best treatment  that will give you the most comfort and help you spend time with your friends and family as you would wish. You have been a very big comfort to a lot of people on here and your virtual buddies will no doubt be here to chat as you want us. 


    Annabel. xx

  • Dear Max, i wish you a recovery asap, cause i believe in healing please always think pozitive and take care with your loved ones...
  • Hi Max thinking of you all my love you are one fantstic human lots of love you are in my thoughts always .XXXXXXgeorge


    Hello My Dear Forum Friends ......

    Gosh, I have been so poorly and unable to function at all.  I thought the news had just struck me in a very strange way but it seems that the 30/500 Co-codamol I was prescribed on the 9th (took for 5days) just affected me very badly - I couldnt keep awake, thoroughly confused etc. Has anyone else reacted on high dose co-codamol?  Wont be taking them again ha ha! 

    I saw a lovely lady consultant on Tuesday who wants to do cyberknife treatment on the brain tumour asap. There is an MDT meeting on Wednesday, so I should find out if I can have it then.  If so, there are 3/4 appointments to plot the treatment and make the mask, then radiotherapy is given in one dose - so it will probably be around 3 weeks away.  Meanwhile I am on steroids to help any swelling in the brain.

    I definitely think I would like the treatment if it is offered because where my tumour is it could imminently affect my mobility, sight and speech.  I dont want to be incapacitated for what may be months.  So now we have all got to pray that the treatment is offered and is done in time!  Surrendering my driving licence today was a sad feeling and I am feeling a little sorry for myself particularly as where I live (a small village) there is very sparce bus activity!  My looks and independence are now just memories but when I see my lovely family and friends all rallying round to support me I feel very blessed to still be with them!

    Thank you all so very much once again - your messages mean the world to me. 

    Just a little PM for Jo (Meerkat) if she reads this:  I hope you are feeling okay after your op and will look forward to a quick one-liner email to know how you are when you feel up to it!  I have been thinking about you and sending love.

    Keep safe everyone x