My dad is 60 and I am 37. We are not the youngest or oldest to have these problems.
He was diagnosed with a giant grapefruit size tumour of cancer on his liver a few months ago. We then met a specialist surgeon that said (in not these exact words mind) that he could cut out that grapefruit and all our problems would be answered. Then yesterday he went in to do that very job and found it was much worse than he thought. Long story short nothing was cut out, there is nothing that can be done and my dad is dying.
now I’m in shock right now and trying to let this all sink in. My dad is the most important person in my life and the idea he won’t be here at some point soon fills me with absolute terror. He is my biggest support, the person I go to for all my support, guidance and generaL direction in life.
we lost my grandfather, my dads father to cancer only a few months ago. This all feels too much and very unfair.
I know what I am saying is nothing new here and people go through this every day. But I suppose I’m looking for some help on how to navigate this and manage things in the best way I can. Not just for me, but my mum, my siblings and most importantly my daughter. I just feel lost, alone and unable to see where I should start with all this. My dad would usually be the man to guide me, but he is trying to get his head around it all himself right now.