My mother in law passed away a few months ago, and I’m really struggling. I always felt very close to her, saw her as another mother. And she always treated me like her daughter. Losing her was unexpected, we all thought she was pulling through. Ever since she passed I just can’t stop thinking about her, and I get this anxious numbing feeling when I realise she’s actually gone; that she won’t know our kids, she won’t be just down the road or a phone call away. But I don’t know who to talk to. I don’t want to bring it up with my husband, because after all she was his actual mother. Who am I to be struggling this much? And when I do it just makes him sad, which is the last thing I want to do. I know whatever I’m feeling he’s feeling a million times worse. She was the central figure in our extended family and I just don’t know how we will move on from this. I’m just so lost and needed to let it out somewhere, I just can’t believe she’s gone. Does it get any easier?