My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer 8 years ago, and it has now been 8 days since my dad passed away from cancer and related complications. He was ill for about 4 months prior to his passing and had two major operations in this time that prolonged his life by a month or two. The last 4 weeks where horrific, watching him deteriorate, feeling his heart break that he was soon to leave us and there was nothing that he could do to stop it.
I have cried for months with dad, with family, in the shower, everywhere, But I haven't shed a tear for about 5 days, I just feel numb and kind of lost, and don't know what to do with myself. Months of worrying about him, sitting by his bedside and now it's all over. I want him back so badly and I know that is a normal feeling but this lost numb feeling seems strange. Why won't my body let me cry?