ProfBaw thanks for your reply. I think we understand about the op as it's quite common it seems even for younger patients to not be offered that. However my partners dad also has cancer and was offered chemo straight away. He has Parkinson's and is a…
Hi Vanityfair,
I am so sorry to hear you have been suffering all these side effects following your second round of chemotherapy. We have in-depth information on our website on side effects of chemotherapy which you might be interested in reading. The…
Hello Rossco1955
I'm sorry to hear about your partner's diagnosis and all that you are both going through at the moment. Undoubtedly it's a difficult time for you both and natural that you will be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions.
I'm going…
ProfBaw Sandradee
Dear ProfBraw, wise words indeed on the mouth issues. I have a few tips for Sandradee too. I too have problems with a very dry mouth. This gives rise to lots of mouth ulcers (gums and tongue) which makes it hard to eat and talk with…
ProfBaw Terrific post and I very much hope you continue to pay it forward to encourage others - be they sufferers or carers. Huge congratulations to you and your wife on her recovery after such a traumatic ordeal. Long may your wife’s (now) good health…
Hello teamwork
I'm sorry to hear about all that you and your wife have been through over the past few years and that now you are facing your own health concerns. Undoubtedly it's been a difficult time for you both and I'm glad that you've reached out…
Hello cjb2
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. It's obviously been a difficult time for you both and natural that you may be experiencing a whole range of emotions at the moment.
I hope that the appointment with the oncologist brought…
Hello DPW
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. Undoubtedly it's an emotional time for you both and I hope that tomorrow's appointment brings some reassurance about the next steps.
I'm sure that if he saw your post he would comment anyway…